
  • Is that school food spicy?No, smoke always comes out of my ears!Why did George Washington chop down the cherry tree?I'm stumped!"It's cle...

  • Pupil: I don't think I deserved zero on this test!Teacher: I agree, but that's the lowest mark I could give you!What did Noah do for a job?He ...

  • Mother: How was your first day at school?Son: It was all right except for some man called "Teacher" who kept spoiling all our fun!I'm no...

  • Father: How were the exam questions?Son: EasyFather: Then why look so unhappy?Son: The questions didn't give me any trouble, just the answers!Wher...

  • What kinds of tests do they give witches?Hex-aminations!Father: What did the teacher think of your idea?Son: She took it like a lambTeacher: Really?, ...

  • Mother: Why did you just swallow the money I gave you?Son: Well you did say it was my lunch money!What's a mushroom?The place they store the schoo...

  • Little Monster: I hate my teacher.Mother Monster: Well just eat your salad up then dear!"What's the matter with your dinner?""Can y...

  • What was that?Went down in history!Do you know the 20th President of the United States?No, we were never introduced!A math jokeTeacher, I can't so...

  • When were King Arthur's army too tired to fight?When they had lots of sleepless knights!How do bees get to school?By school buzz!How did you do in...

  • Why did the Romans build straight roads?So their soldiers didn't go around the bend!When a knight in armour was killed in battle, what sign did th...