Scary collection 20
2023-12-05A vampire jokeWhat does a vampire say to the mirror?Terror, terror on the wall...!A skeleton jokeHow do skeletons call their friends?On the telebone!A...
Scary collection 19
2023-12-05A vampire jokeWhat did the vampire say after he had been to the dentist?Fangs very much!A vampire jokeWhat happened when the vampire went to the blood...
Scary collection 18
2023-12-05A Halloween jokeWhat happened to the girl who wore a mouse costume to her Halloween party?The cat are her!A ghost jokeHow do ghosts keep fit?By regula...
Scary collection 17
2023-12-05A witch jokeWhat's the best way of talking to a warty witch?By telephone!A werewolf jokeWhy was the werewolf arrested at the butchers shop?He was ...
Scary collection 16
2023-12-05A Halloween jokeWhy are teachers happy at Halloween parties?Because there is lots of school spirit!A demon jokeWhat do foreign devils speak?Devil Dutc...
Scary collection 15
2023-12-05A werewolf jokeWhy did the parents call their child "Camera"?Because they were always snapping!A skeleton jokeWhy do skeletons hate winter?B...
Scary collection 14
2023-12-05A cannibal jokeWhat did the cannibal say to the explorer?''Nice to meat you''!A cannibal jokeWhy was the cannibal fined$50 by the judg...
Scary collection 13
2023-12-05A Halloween jokeWhy don't apples smile when you go bobbing?Because they're crab apples!A vampire jokeWhat do you call a dog owned by Dracula?A...
Scary collection 12
2023-12-05A cannibal jokeHow did the cannibal turn over a new leaf?He became a vegetarian!A cannibal jokeWhat happened when the cannibal bit off a missionary...
Scary collection 11
2023-12-05A witch jokeHow is the witches team doing?They're having a spell in the first division!A werewolf jokeHow do you make a werewolf stew?Keep him wai...