School collection 01
2023-12-05A history jokeHow did the Vikings send secret messages?By norse code!A math jokeTeacher: What's 2 and 2?Pupil: 4Teacher: That's good.Pupil: Go...
Silly collection 26
2023-12-05Why doesn't the sea spill over the earth?Because it's tied!Who was the Black Prince?The son of Old King Cole!Did you hear about the mad scient...
Silly collection 25
2023-12-05What is posthumous work?Something written by someone after they are dead!What is the most slippery country in the world?Greece!What is the strongest b...
Silly collection 24
2023-12-05Why did the cowboy die with his boots on?Because he didn't want to stub his toe when he kicked the bucket!If athletes get athlete's foot, what...
Silly collection 23
2023-12-05What has a bottom at the top?I don't know?Your legs!What is a skeleton?Bones, with the person off!What might you eat in Paris?The trifle tower!Whi...
Silly collection 22
2023-12-05What's the nearest thing to silver?The Lone Ranger's bottom!This morning my dad gave me soap flakes instead of corn flakes for breakfast.I bet...
Silly collection 21
2023-12-05How do you make milk shake?Give it a good scare!Do you know the time?No, we haven't met yet!What sleeps at the bottom of the sea?A kipper!What lie...
Silly collection 20
2023-12-05Waiter, this soup tastes funny?Then why aren't you laughing!What do you get if you cross a US President with a shark?Jaws Washington!Why is it not...
Silly collection 19
2023-12-05What is the best day of the week to sleep?Snooze-day!How many rotten eggs does it take to make a stink bomb?A phew!What do cannibals eat for breakfast...
Silly collection 18
2023-12-05Why did cavemen draw pictures of hippopotamuses and rhinoceroses on their walls?Because they couldn't spell their names!What is the noisiest game?...