Silly collection 07
2023-12-05Why do birds fly south in the winter?Because it's too far to walk!What is "out of bounds"?An exhausted kangaroo!Have you ever seen a duc...
Silly collection 06
2023-12-05What is Cheddar Gorge?A large cheese sandwich!What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea?It gets wet!Why did the woman take a loaf of br...
Silly collection 05
2023-12-05I'd tell you another joke about a pencil.But it doesn't have any point!Why do idiots eat biscuits?Because they're crackers!What was the ga...
Silly collection 04
2023-12-05What do golfers use in China?China tees!What kind of hair do oceans have?Wavy!Why did the child study in the aeroplane?He wanted a higher education!In...
Silly collection 03
2023-12-05What do Scotsmen eat?Tart'n'pie!What is heavier, a full moon or a half moon?The full moon because it's lighter!What town in England makes ...
Silly collection 02
2023-12-05How many balls of string would it take to reach the moon?Just one if it's long enough!What cheese is made backwards?Edam?This match won't ligh...
Silly collection 01
2023-12-05What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep?A dinosnore!What is the fruitiest lesson?History, because it's full of dates!What language do...
Kid's Funnys
2023-12-05Erica:Why did Tigger stick his head in the toilet????Pokey:I don't have the foggiest idea!Erica:Because he was looking for Pooh!!!!!!...
Letter To Dad
2023-12-05A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an envelope propped ...
Little Boys
2023-12-05Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of Tampax and proceeded to the checkout counter.The man at the counter asked the older...