A Small Surprise
2023-12-05When his wife was expecting their third child, a father decided to tell his two sons, ages seven and nine, the facts of life. He checked out several b...
The Cat and the Saucer
2023-12-05An antiques collector was passing a small shop when he noticed a cat on the sidewalk out front, licking milk from a saucer. The man immediately realiz...
Long Life
2023-12-05A man was selling medicines at a fair. At first he sold bottles of a cure for colds for just a dollar a bottle.Many people wanted to buy it and the ma...
Diet Tribe
2023-12-05Mom was very proud that she'd lost ten pounds. On the way to the store with my husband and me she talked of little else. We dropped her off in the...
Stunning Reply 出色的回答
2023-12-05My five-year-old son was not picking up his toys while I was preparing dinner as I had asked him. When I inquired why he wasn't doing his chores, ...
Senior Class
2023-12-05During the doctor's periodic visit to my elderly mother, I told him that Mother would be celebrating her 98th birthday in few days. Delighted by t...
The Young Man at the Wheel
2023-12-05My infant daughter began crying as I drove home from the store, and since she was harnessed to her safety seat in the back, I couldn't console her...
What Went Wrong
2023-12-05A Japanese company and an American company had a boat race, the Japanese won by a mile. The Americans hired analysts to figure out what went wrong. Th...
You Never Called
2023-12-05A guy spots his doctor in the mall. He stops him and says, "Six weeks ago when I was in your office, you told me to go home, get into bed and sta...
A Vacation Cruise
2023-12-05One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costs only $ 100.After he signs up and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him ...