Older Goats in America(美国老羊)
2023-12-05A group of Americans were traveling by tour bus through Holland. As they stopped at a cheese farm, a young guide led them through the process of chees...
The Stories Are Still in Them(故事还在里面)
2023-12-05During a visit to my mother' s home, I joined her in the living room to talk, read and watch television. Facing a bookcase that has been in the sa...
Back Up Two Miles(退后两英里)
2023-12-05A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. There was no room to pass for two miles in ei...
Who Was That Man(那男子是谁)
2023-12-05The owner of a small travel agency saw an attractive couple gazing at his travel poster. Suddenly inspired, he ran up and told them his idea. "I&...
The Advantage of Noise(嗓音的优点)
2023-12-05Wherever I drove my old car over 55 miles per hour ,it vibrated terribly, so I decided to sell it. My first customer wanted to buy the car, and I batt...
A Gentle Reminder(委婉提醒)
2023-12-05Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were s...
I Understand Him(我懂他的话)
2023-12-05While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full . "Mump umn Kmpfhm," was all I heard."...
An Exact Number(准确数字)
2023-12-05A tourist was visiting New Mexico and was amazed at the dinosaur bones lying about."How old are these bones?" the tourist asked an elderly N...
Violin Lessons(小提琴课)
2023-12-05"Daddy, can I learn to play the violin?" young Sarah asked her father. She was always asking for things and her father was not very pleased....
Which Month Did He Go Away(几月走的)
2023-12-05When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it at lightening speed. You shouldn't wait any longer after he has had his head nod. So he was blamed fo...