Too traditional 太传统
2023-12-05A Chinese emperor ordered one of his servants to find him a hundred-year-old egg.Returning empty-handed, the servant explained, "No hundred-year-...
Hands off 不要动
2023-12-05A friend of mine was giving an important dinner party for her husband's business associates.She put guest towels and soap in the bathroom, and, no...
True feelings 真情
2023-12-05We were leaving a football game in a throng of people.My husband, who never displays affection in public, took my hand. I has delighted. As we walked ...
A Welcome Guest 受欢迎的听众
2023-12-05One afternoon while I was talking to a professor, my two-year-old daughter Melissa, wandered into a nearby classroom. There was a math class in progre...
Friends of a feather 禽以毛聚
2023-12-05An American tourist was lunching in a restaurant in China, whose specialty was roast duck. The waiter explained each dish as he brought it to the tabl...
A Better Mailman 一个更好的邮递员
2023-12-05I worked as a mailman for a short time. However, I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble.One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house...
The Effectiveness of Advertisement 广告的威力
2023-12-05Some businessmen were talking about advertising on tv excitedly. As none of them had ever done it before, every one had his point of view。At this mome...
2023-12-05A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. There was no room to pass for two miles in ei...
Bring Me a Glass of Milk 捎杯牛奶
2023-12-05At 2 a. m. Mrs. Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room. "Tiptoe downstairs," she told her husband. "Don...
Flunking Math 数学没及格
2023-12-05My son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, called home a few weeks after starting his soph...