Different idea 想法不同
2023-12-05A young man and his girlfriend were sitting together imagining their happy life in the future.The young man said, "How free and happy it would be...
The farmer and barber 农场主和理发师
2023-12-05When life was very hard, a farmer said to a barber: "Now corn's lower in price. I think you should shave for half price.""I can'...
His reason 他的理由
2023-12-05A young writer was hoping that the editor would accept his novel. But the editor said, "You have no reason to ask me to publish your novel. It...
The owner of a grocery was on his deathbed. The entire family had gathered in his bed room weeping and wailing.At last the old man looked at them with...
An interview with a stateman 快速采访
2023-12-05A news reporter said to a great stateman, "I have come to interview you, sir."The great stateman said, "Well, go back to write your int...
Who is right 谁是对的
2023-12-05After the couple's quarreling, the husband shouted: "You should remember that no matter what tine it is, what the man is thinking of is right...
Praise 称赞
2023-12-05Mrs. White asked Mr. White: "Is this suit beautiful?"怀特太太问怀特先生:我这套衣服好看吗?Mr. White answered: "Whatever you wear is beautiful."怀特先生说...
Only one eye to settle on 一眼看中
2023-12-05The girl found the go-between and said, "You cheated me! One of his eyes if not true. Why didn't you tell me this before?""I have t...
The same service 同样的服务
2023-12-05A man who had been married for ten years was consulting a marriage counselor."When I was first married, I was very happy, I'd come home from ...
Lifelong ambition 毕生愿望
2023-12-05In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red lig...