The farmer and barber 农场主和理发师
When life was very hard, a farmer said to a barber: "Now corn's lower in price. I think you should shave for half price." "I can't, sir," said the barber, "I really should charge more because when corn's cheap, farmers are unhappy and worried. All of them make such long faces that I have twice the ground to go over." 生活很艰难的时候,一个农场主对理发师说:“现在粮食跌价了,你给人刮脸也应该只收半价。” “不行啊,先生。”理发师说,“其实我应该多收一点钱的,因为粮食跌价了,农场主都很不高兴了,发愁了,一个个都愁得把脸拉得很长。我要刮的地方比原来大了一倍啦。” |