True feelings 真情
We were leaving a football game in a throng of people. My husband, who never displays affection in public, took my hand. I has delighted. As we walked hand in hand out of the stadium. I looked up at him, smiling, and asked, "You don't want to lose me?" "No," he said. "I don't want to look for you." 我们和一大群人在橄榄球比赛散场时纷纷撤离比赛场。 我那位从未在大庭广众之下流露感情的丈夫这时拉住了我的手,我非常高兴。当我们手拉手往体育场外走时,我抬着头看着他并笑着问:“你不想失去我,对吗?” 丈夫回答道:“不是,我只是不想去找你。” |