to knock someone down with a feather 令人大吃一惊
2023-12-07比喻you could have knocked me down with a feather 你用一根羽毛就足以打倒我了”可以用来形容什么事情让你大吃一惊,跌破眼镜,难以置信。例句You could have knocked me down with a feather when I ...
with the greatest care 小心翼翼
2023-12-07小心翼翼”,汉语成语,意思是谨慎小心,一点不敢疏忽的样子。可以翻译为with the greatest care,very cautiously或discreetly”等。例句:她小心翼翼,不让自己失控。She was careful not to let her contr...
take the lead 一马当先
2023-12-07一马当先”,汉语成语,意思是原指作战时策马冲锋在前(gallop at the head)。形容领先,积极带头。可以翻译为take the lead,be in the forefront”等。例句:他干什么活儿都是一马当先。He takes the lead in what...
get a good lead 遥遥领先
2023-12-07遥遥领先”,汉语成语,意思是远远地走在最前面,多指成绩、比赛等大幅度领先,可以翻译为be far ahead,get a good lead或hold a safe lead”。常见表达如比分遥遥领先(make a lopsided score)”。例句:他们在民...
the powers that be 掌权的人
2023-12-07The powers that be 指有权力做决定的、主宰事情发展形势的人或机构。他们可以决定事情是否会发生、怎么发生和最终结果。在日常生活中,当人们觉得他们的生活被外界权利所控制时则会用到这个表达。这个表达有时带有贬义。例句I didn't quite get the grades I ...
blood is thicker than water 血浓于水
2023-12-07血浓于水在英语里相对应的表达是blood is thicker than water”。例句I don't really get on with my brother, but I'll always support him. Blood is thicker than ...
unattainable illusions 镜花水月
2023-12-07镜花水月,汉语成语,意思是镜里的花,水里的月;原指诗中灵活而不可捉摸的空灵的意境,后比喻虚幻的景象。按照字面意思英文可以翻译为flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake,或者直接用unattainable illusions表示。例句...
try one's best 全力以赴
2023-12-07全力以赴是一个汉语成语,意思是指把全部精力都投入进去,与竭尽全力”意思相近。出自清·赵翼《二十二史札记》。在英语里,可以用try one's best, shoot for the moon, put one's best foot forward表示。例句...
2023-12-07谋事在人,成事在天,俗语,意思是自己已经尽力而为,至于能否达到目的,那就要看时运如何了。语出自明代罗贯中所著《三国演义》第103回:孔明叹曰:‘谋事在人,成事在天,不可强也!’”在英语里可用Man proposes, God disposes或者The plann...
without batting an eye 不露声色,面不改色
2023-12-07如果你的反应被形容为 without batting an eye - or eyelid 不眨眼,意思就是你不露声色,让人看不出事情对你的情绪是否有任何影响。例句When I told her I didn't want to go out with her any more she di...