always follow somebody's advice 言听计从
2023-12-07言听计从”,汉语成语,意思是什么话都听从,什么主意都采纳;形容对某人十分信任。可以翻译为always follow somebody's advice,accept one's advice without questioning或be at somebody's...
be poles apart 大相径庭
2023-12-07大相径庭”,汉语成语,比喻相差很远,大不相同。可以翻译为be entirely/totally different,be poles apart或be quite different”等。例句:我们的观点大相径庭。We hold diametrically opposed v...
have never been heard of since 杳无音信
2023-12-07杳无音信”,汉语成语,指一点消息也没有,形容失去联系或没有方式联系。可以翻译为there has been no news whatsoever about somebody,not heard from ... at all或have never been heard of since...
play with fire 惹火烧身
2023-12-07惹火烧身”,或引火烧身”,汉语成语,字面意思是stir up a fire only to burn oneself”,比喻自找麻烦或自找苦吃。可以翻译为play with fire,bring trouble upon oneself”等。例句:我才...
gnash one's teeth 咬牙切齿
2023-12-07咬牙切齿”,汉语成语,意思是形容极端仇视或痛恨,也形容把某种情绪或感觉竭力抑制住。可以翻译为gnash one's teeth(at/over),file one's teeth”等。例句:气得咬牙切齿grind one's teeth in ange...
sweet talk 甜言蜜语
2023-12-07甜言蜜语”,汉语成语,意思是像蜜糖一样甜的话。比喻为了讨人喜欢或哄骗人而说好听的话。可以翻译为sweet words and honeyed phrases,sweet talk”等。例句:她被他的甜言蜜语哄得溜溜转。With his honeyed words, he ma...
cling obstinately to one's course 一意孤行
2023-12-07一意孤行”,汉语成语,指不接受别人的劝告,顽固地按照自己的主观想法去做。可以翻译为cling obstinately to one's course,be bent on having one's own way”等。例句:达夫一意孤行,不愿意听他父亲的建议。...
sour grapes 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸
2023-12-07所谓酸葡萄 sour grapes 这一表达就是用来形容那些因为得不到而对某事进行批评、聊以自慰的人。类似汉语中的吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。例句You think my job is too tiring for me because I get to travel abroad too much? No...
the first impression is the strongest 先入为主
2023-12-07先入为主”,汉语成语,指先听进去的话或先获得的印象往往在头脑中占有主导地位,以后再遇到不同的意见时,就不容易接受。可以翻译为have a preconception because of one’s first impression或the first impression ...
be very worried about 牵肠挂肚
2023-12-07牵肠挂肚”,汉语成语,形容十分惦念,放心不下。可以翻译为be very worried about, be deeply concerned或feel deep anxiety about”等。例句:尽量多给家里写信,免得你父母牵肠挂肚。Write home as often...