
  • 负荆请罪”,字面意思是背着荆杖,向当事人请罪(proffer a birch and ask for punishment by flogging),用于赔礼道歉的场合,形容主动向人认错、道歉,自请责罚。可以翻译为offer a humble and sincere apology&rd...

  • 掉以轻心”,汉语成语,形容对事情采取轻率的、漫不经心的态度。可以翻译为let down one's guard,treat something lightly”等。例句:这个问题我们可不能掉以轻心。This is not a problem we should tak...

  • 口若悬河”,汉语成语,意为说话滔滔不绝,像河水倾泄一样。形容能说善辩,话语不断。可以翻译为speak volubly,talk glibly或be eloquent”。例句:伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。Evelyn was very voluble on the subj...

  • e-mail礼貌用语


    用于邮件开头:-I hope this e-mail finds you well.希望在收到这封邮件的时候,你一切都好。用于结尾:-Any response will be appreciated.如蒙回复,不胜感激。通常正文是找对方询问事情。-Please feel free to let me...

  • 挺身而出”,汉语成语,形容面对着艰难或危险的事情,勇敢地站出来。可以翻译为step forward bravely (boldly),come out boldly”等。例句:警方呼吁证人挺身而出。Police have appealed for witnesses to c...

  • 引人注目”,汉语成语,形容由于与众不同或明显的特性而引起人的注意。可以翻译为be eye-catching/striking/conspicuous, draw/catch one's attention, attract the gaze of people”等。例...

  • 同流合污,汉语成语,原指思想、言行同不好的风俗、世道结合。现在多指跟坏人一起做坏事。可以翻译为go along with somebody in his evil deeds,join somebody in his evil doing”等。例句:别跟他们同流合污。Don't ...

  • 似曾相识”,汉语成语,意思是好像曾经见过。形容见过的事物再度出现。可以翻译为have a sense of déjà vu”,表示have a feeling that one has seen or heard something before&...

  • 苦思冥想”,汉语成语,比喻绞尽脑汁,深沉地思索。可以翻译为rack one's brains(to evolve an idea),think hard and long或ponder over something all day long”等。例句:他苦思冥想,还是...

  • 凤毛麟角,汉语成语,字面意思是凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角(as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns),比喻珍贵而稀少的事物或人才。可以翻译为very rare,rare and precious things,extraordinary and excel...