
  • 如果有人因为一些小事而做出不相称或不恰当的激烈反应,那么你就可以说they are making a song and dance about something”;也就是汉语里说的小题大做”。不过注意这是一个非正式表达。例句All right, calm down! You...

  • 如果你的衣服袖子上粘了东西,大家都可以看得到。表达 to wear your heart on your sleeve 是出自莎士比亚的戏剧《奥赛罗》里的一个名句,意思是描述一个人容易流露自己的感情。也就是说如果你把对某事或人的想法和感受外露,他人就很可能趁机来占便宜或欺负你,那么感情外露&rdqu...

  • 一个人如果 have a change of heart,那意思就是此人对某事的态度或想法有了改变。例句I know we agreed to get a new kitchen this year, but I've had a change of heart. I think we ne...

  • Get worked up 这个短语可以被用来形容某人因什么事情被惹生气或使其变得十分激动。例句So your football team lost again. I don't know why you get so worked up. It's only a game.&rdq...

  • Get something out of your system 让什么东西离开你的身体”这个表达的实际意思是发泄。把藏在心中许久或忍耐很长一段时间的事情说出来,释放一下。例句I'm sorry for shouting at you, but I had to get it o...

  • To have your heart in the right place 这个短语的书面意思是心在正确的地方”,实际上它常用来描述一个心地善良的人出于好意去帮助别人,但可能因为帮了倒忙而使他人不高兴或不领情。例句My mum always tidies up my house when...

  • 当你觉得某人、某件事情或某个机构说的东西并不能完全让你信服,令你将信将疑的时候,就可以用take it with a pinch of salt 捏一点盐放进去”来表达你的感觉。例句I always take what that newspaper says with a pinch o...

  • 在英语里,我们可以用 salt of the earth 来形容一个人接人处事诚恳正直,是一位诚实善良的人。例句Annie is the salt of the earth. Despite all her own troubles she is the first to offer help to...

  • 落荒而逃”,或落荒而走”,汉语成语,离开战场逃向荒野。形容战败后仓皇逃命,也泛指一般斗争中的惨败。可以翻译为be defeated and flee,flee in panic或run for life frantically”等。例句:敌舰严重受创,落荒而逃。B...

  • 满堂红”,汉语俗语,意思是各方面都取得好成绩,或到处都很兴旺。可以翻译为all-round success/victory,success in every field”等。例句:中国乒乓球队在这届世乒赛中得了个满堂红。The Chinese national table t...