provide easy access from all directions 四通八达
2023-12-07四通八达”,汉语成语,字面意思是四面八方都有路可走。形容交通非常便利,也形容通向各方。可以翻译为provide easy access from all directions,with great facilities of communication”等。例句:铁路四通八达...
work along two lines at the same time 双管齐下
2023-12-07双管齐下”,汉语成语,原指手握两支笔,同时作画(paint a picture with a brush in each hand at the same time),后比喻为达到某种目的,同时从两方面进行。可以翻译为work along two lines at the same ti...
be tied up 不可开交
2023-12-07不可开交”,汉语成语,比喻纠缠在一起,无法摆脱或结束。可以翻译为be locked in,be tied up”等。常用表达如忙得不可开交(have one’s hands full),打得不可开交(be locked in a fierce fight)&rdq...
feel a sense of relief 如释重负
2023-12-07如释重负”,汉语成语,意思是好像放下了沉重的担子那样轻松(as if relieved of a heavy burden),形容因解除了负担或摆脱困扰而感到轻松。可以翻译为feel a sense of relief,feel very much relieved”等。例句...
handle with undue haste 操之过急
2023-12-07操之过急”,汉语成语,意思是处理事情、解决问题过于急躁。可以翻译为handle with undue haste,be too rush或act rashly”等。例句:千万不能因为时间紧迫就操之过急。Don't act hastily due to the pres...
toss and turn restlessly 辗转反侧
2023-12-07辗转反侧”,汉语成语,躺在床上翻来覆去睡不着。形容心里有所思念或心事重重。可以翻译为toss and turn restlessly,have a sleepless night或toss about (in bed)”等。例句:辗转反侧,彻夜未眠Toss about all...
gaze steadily 目不转睛
2023-12-07目不转睛”,汉语成语,意思是指眼球一动不动地盯着看,形容注意力很集中,看得出神。可以翻译为gaze steadily,never take one’s eyes off somebody or something”等。例句:孩子们目不转睛地看着我打开包裹。The ...
head and shoulders above someone 出类拔萃
2023-12-07出类拔萃”,汉语成语,意思是超出同类之上,形容一个人才能出众。可以翻译为among the select best,outstanding或prominent”等。与英文习语head and shoulders above someone”意思相近,表示much ...
great ups and downs 大起大落
2023-12-07大起大落”,汉语成语,意思是大幅度的起与落,形容变化大。可以翻译为great ups and downs,great/heavy/sharp fluctuations或 big rise and fall”等。例句:他的事业经历了大起大落。His career has see...
one's mind is full of learning 满腹经纶
2023-12-07满腹经纶”,汉语成语,意思是满肚子学问、本领,形容人很有才学和智谋。可以翻译为be profoundly learned and talented,one's mind is full of learning”等。例句:他雄才大略满腹经纶,是个不可多得的人才。He h...