be full of ups and downs 一波三折
2023-12-07一波三折”,汉语成语,原指写字的笔法曲折多变,现比喻事情进行中意外的变化很多。可以翻译为be full of ups and downs,strike one snag after another或be full of twists and turns”等。例句:谈判一波三折...
努力 下
2023-12-075、strive vi.奋斗;努力;力求;斗争英语释义:to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties再看一下常见搭配:s...
努力 上
2023-12-071、hardworking adj.努力的这个应该是最常见的了,它来自词组work hard(努力工作),加上了ing就成了形容词,意思就是努力工作的;勤奋的”。I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit.我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头...
to put all your eggs in one basket 孤注一掷
2023-12-07这个俚语一般与机会、金钱、以及对未来的期望相联系,言外之意就是如果你的篮子掉了,那么鸡蛋就全都碎了,借此用来告诫人们,要将你的鸡蛋”存放到不同的篮子里,如果一个篮子跌落了,你不会一无所有,你还有一些鸡蛋”存在别处。A: I really, really want to go ...
be absorbed in 全神贯注
2023-12-07全神贯注”,汉语成语,意思是全部精神集中在一点上,形容注意力高度集中。可以翻译为be absorbed in,be preoccupied with或be wrapped up in”等。例句:下棋需要全神贯注。Chess requires great concentrati...
rival for priority 争先恐后
2023-12-07争先恐后”,汉语成语,意思是指争着向前,唯恐落后。可以翻译为rival for priority,vie with each other in doing something或strive to be the first”等。例句:他们争先恐后地想一睹那位歌手的芳容。Each...
wearing a pleasing and gracious face 和颜悦色
2023-12-07和颜悦色”,汉语成语,意思是和蔼可亲的面色,形容态度温和亲切。可以翻译为with a kind and pleasant countenance,wearing a pleasing and gracious face”等。例句:老师和颜悦色地回答了学生们的问题。The te...
pigsty 猪圈,猪窝般邋遢的地方
2023-12-07英美人提到pig时,习惯将其与迟钝、懒惰、肮脏、贪婪等意义联系在一起,如pigsty就是指指猪圈或肮脏的地方”。例句:- This place is a pigsty.这地方脏乱的跟猪圈一样。- I don't want you to know that I live in a ...
pigs might fly 无稽之谈
2023-12-07汉语里,若觉得某一建议荒诞、离奇或根本不可能实现,我们常常会反讥对方:啊,除非太阳从西边出来!”。英语中,类似的意思可用俚语There's a pig flying by!”(字面意:连猪都可能飞起来)来表达。这是一个英式说法,带有反讽的感情色彩。例句:- I get...
geographically induced breakup 异地恋分手
2023-12-071981年夏天,米歇尔考上了普林斯顿大学,那时她有个男朋友叫David:We went on real dates, going for what we considered upscale dinners at Red Lobster and to the movies.David和米歇尔的爸爸一...