gain notoriety by shocking statements 哗众取宠
2023-12-07哗众取宠”,汉语成语,意思是以浮夸的言行迎合大众,骗取大众的信赖和支持(court people's favour by saying something impressive; gain notoriety by shocking statements)。含贬义,形容轻浮好虚荣...
work hard but to no avail 竹篮打水一场空
2023-12-07竹篮打水一场空”,成语,又作竹篮打水(draw water with a bamboo basket ─ all in vain),比喻白费力气,没有效果,劳而无功(work hard but to no avail;a fruitless attempt)。例句:到头来,竹篮打水一场空...
此地无银三百两”,字面意思是No 300 taels of silver buried here”,比喻一个人想要把事情隐瞒掩饰,结果反而暴露(A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his...
good weather for the crops 风调雨顺
2023-12-07风调雨顺”,汉语成语,字面意思是seasonable weather with gentle breeze and timely rain”,形容风雨适合农作物生长(good weather for the crops),亦可喻指天下安宁,常与国泰民安”一起出现。...
steal others' ideas 拾人牙慧
2023-12-07拾人牙慧”是一个汉语成语,比喻拾取别人的一言半语当作自己的话(pick up phrases from somebody and pass them off as one's own),也比喻窃取别人的语言和文字(steal others' ideas/sayings),...
kick (one) when (one) is down 落井下石
2024-05-01落井下石”,汉语成语,字面意思是drop down a stone on the man who has fallen into a well”,比喻乘人有危难时加以陷害( to maltreat an injured person; add insult to injury...
shoot oneself in the foot 搬起石头砸自己的脚
2023-12-07搬起石头砸自己的脚”,中文俗语,字面意思是lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet”,比喻本来想害别人,结果害了自己(hurt oneself by one's own doing,be hoist with ...
a heaven of peace and happiness 世外桃源
2023-12-07世外桃源”,汉语成语,原指与现实社会隔绝、生活安乐的理想境界,表示a place that is extremely beautiful and where everything seems perfect, especially a place far away from modern...
卧薪尝胆”,汉语成语,字面意思是sleep on the brushwood [sticks] and taste the gall”,形容一个人忍辱负重,发愤图强(put up with an insult in order to take revenge,endure h...
be pale before 小巫见大巫
2023-12-07小巫见大巫”,汉语成语,意思是小巫法术小,大巫法术大,小巫的法术在大巫面前显得微不足道(a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one -- pale into insignificance by comparison)”。后比...