
  • 1、(as) black as (one's) hatCompletely black; totally without light or color.全黑;完全没有光或色彩。The basement gives me the creeps, it's as black as my ...

  • 6、devil is not so black as he is paintedNo one is as bad as people say he is. (Implies that people are saying too many bad things about someone.)没有人有人...

  • 视而不见”,汉语成语,字面意思是虽然看到,但好像没有看到一样。形容漠视,不关心,不重视。可以翻译为turn a blind eye to someone/something,shut one's eyes to something”等。例句:他视孩子们为骄傲,对他们的...

  • 千篇一律”,汉语成语,原指诗文书画等作品公式化,也泛指事物只有一种形式,没有变化。可以翻译为follow the same pattern,be stereotyped或all in the same key”等。例句:千篇一律的论调Stereotyped views这里的老...

  • 寄人篱下”,汉语成语,字面意思是live under another person's roof”,形容完全依靠别人来过日子,不能独立。可以翻译为depend on somebody for a living或live under somebody's thu...

  • 比比皆是”,汉语成语,形容到处都是,极其常见。可以翻译为be found everywhere,be great in number或abound”等。例句:这篇文章里的错误比比皆是。The article is full of inaccuracies.这种例子比比皆是。S...

  • 处心积虑”,汉语成语,形容蓄谋已久,千方百计的算计。可以翻译为be bent on doing something或nurture schemes for a chance”等。例句:这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的。It was both deliberate and mali...

  • 精神抖擞”,汉语成语,形容精神振奋,饱满。可以翻译为be in high spirits,be vigorous and energetic或brace up”等。例句:她精神抖擞地回到了工作岗位。She returns to work feeling energized....

  • 卖力气”,汉语词语,字面意思是靠出卖自己的劳动力生活(live by the sweat of one's brow),形容尽量使出自己的力量。可以翻译为do one's best,exert all one's strength”等。例句:她做事可能...

  • 轻举妄动”,汉语词语,指不经慎重考虑,轻率地采取行动。可以翻译为take reckless action,act rashly或be impetuous and imprudent”等。例句:不要轻举妄动。Don't make move without thinkin...