
  • 漏网之鱼”,汉语成语,字面意思是逃脱渔网的鱼(fish that escaped the net)。比喻侥幸逃脱的罪犯或敌人。可以翻译为fugitive,runaway或those who escaped punishment”等。例句:官员们担心英国警方指认的一些罪犯可能已...

  • to keep your cards close to your chest – don't reveal your plans将牌藏在胸前 - 不泄露自己的计划,守口如瓶例句:I kept my cards close to my chest during the negoti...

  • have/get/want/demand your pound of flesh (不顾别人的损失和痛苦)讨回应得的东西,做出合法但极不合情理的要求例句:His boss, demanding his pound of flesh, made him come into work even thou...

  • gain/put on flesh 发胖,长肉例句:I've put on a lot of flesh recently.我最近胖了不少。lose flesh 消瘦,减重例句:I'm on a diet to lose flesh.我正在节食减肥。a thorn in the fl...

  • 坐立不安”,汉语成语,坐着站着都不安稳,形容心情烦躁不安的样子。可以翻译为be fidgety or restless”,与英文习语be on tenterhooks”意思相近,表示waiting nervously for something to happen...

  • 交头接耳”,汉语成语,形容两个人靠得很近,低声交谈。可以翻译为talk in whispers,或 whisper to each other”等。例句:两个小姑娘交头接耳嗤嗤笑着。The two little girls tittered and whispered to ...

  • 大显身手”,汉语成语,指充分地显示出本领和才能。可以翻译为fully display one's talents,distinguish oneself或do a really good job”等。例句:你大显身手的时机到啦!Now's your chanc...

  • 闷闷不乐”,汉语成语,意思是因有不如意的事而心中烦闷不快活。可以翻译为feel depressed/moody,become sullen或feel a bit down”等。例句:别一副闷闷不乐的样子!Don't look so miserable!鲍勃脸色苍白,闷...

  • 应接不暇”,汉语成语,原形容景物繁多,来不及观赏。后多形容来人或事情太多,应付不过来。可以翻译为too busy to attend to all”等。例句:顾客很多,售货员应接不暇。There were so many customers that the shop ass...

  • 一落千丈”,汉语成语,原形容琴声由高而低突然变化,现在表示下降得很厉害,用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。可以翻译为suffer a sudden decline,take a nosedive”等。例句:自美国入侵以来,总统的声望一落千丈。Since the US in...