be gloomy with worry 心事重重
2023-12-07心事重重”,汉语成语,意思是心里挂着很多沉重的顾虑。可以翻译为be gloomy with worry,be preoccupied with anxiety或be weighed down with care”等。例句:他心事重重,没注意到有什么不对。He was too ...
frog in a well 井底之蛙
2023-12-07井底之蛙”,井底下的青蛙(frog in a well),只能看到井口那么大的一块天。比喻见识短浅的人。可以翻译为person with a narrow view,person with a very limited outlook”等。例句:如果他们纵容自己呆在校园提供的...
a hive of activity 一片繁忙的景象
2023-12-07当一个地方被比喻为 a hive of activity 时,要表达的意思是此处看上去非常忙碌,一片繁忙的景象。例句La Bouqueria market is a hive of activity on a Saturday morning, with vendors selling all so...
be concentrated on 心无旁骛
2023-12-07心无旁骛”,汉语成语,心思没有另外的追求,形容心思集中,专心致志。可以翻译为be devoted to,be absorbed in,或be concentrated on”等。例句:这个国家始终心无旁骛地发展实体经济,特别是将制造业放在核心位置。The country ha...
to look someone in the eye 双眼直视对方
2023-12-07To look someone in the eye 这个短语的意思就是你双眼直视对方,让对方相信你所说的话是完全真实的,即使你有可能并没有说实话。例句John looked me in the eye and told me that he loved me.I looked at my boss...
take the plunge 冒险尝试
2023-12-07动词 to plunge 是往下跳的意思,比如:When we arrived at the lake, my brother plunged into the cold water.短语 take the plunge 往往用来形容我们下定决心做某件高难度的事情。例句I'm going t...
close-knit 紧密相连
2023-12-07Close-knit 经常被用来形容关系紧密的人群或组织,可以是家庭,社会群体或有文化关联的组织。例句The island has a close-knit community and everyone pulls together when someone needs help.They are ...
the icing on the cake 锦上添花
2023-12-07短语 the icing on the cake 蛋糕上的糖衣”的意思是使一件原本己经很好的事物变得更好,锦上添花。例句It is great to see my team in the final. And now I've got tickets to watch the m...
in a leisurely manner 慢条斯理
2023-12-07慢条斯理”,汉语成语,形容说话做事慢腾腾,不慌不忙。可以翻译为in a leisurely manner,unhurried and unperturbed,或very slow and unperturbed”等。例句:他说话做事总是慢条斯理的。He always spea...
go wild with joy 欣喜若狂
2023-12-07欣喜若狂”,汉语成语,意思是形容高兴、兴奋到了极点。可以翻译为go [be] wild with joy,be as happy [joyful] as a lark或be in ecstasy”等。例句:我获得奖学金时父亲欣喜若狂。My father was in ecst...