
  • Even as ominous clouds of Covid-19 hang over the Indian economy, businesses are finding ways to make money.新冠病毒的阴云笼罩着印度的经济,商人们正在寻找赚钱的门路。From turmeric ...

  • 在新冠肺炎疫情依然严峻的情况下,美国多州急于挽救经济开始陆续解封,各种集会也令防控措施无法继续保持,导致疫情出现反弹。6月19日和20日,美国连续两天新增新冠肺炎确诊病例超过3万例,创下近期新高。The US reported more than 30,000 new coronavirus cas...

  • 抢了几个月厕纸以后,美国人总算不用抢厕纸了,然而又有一样日常所需的东西因为短缺而被迫限量配给,把美国各地的银行急得团团转,那就是:硬币。Just as supplies of toilet paper are finally getting back to normal, the coronavir...

  • Todays is my daughters 5th birthday今天是我女儿的5岁生日so the family went to a Churro Cafe for a birthday treat.全家一起到餐厅去吃大餐庆祝She walked in rocking her birthday...

  • The coronavirus began to affect sporting events as early as January 30, when the Chinese Football Association announced it was delaying the start of t...

  • 随着美国各州重新开放经济,一些地区的新冠肺炎病例重新开始增加。美国传染病专家安东尼·福奇近日表示,人们一直在谈论第二波疫情,但实际上美国第一波疫情尚未结束。What’s all this talk about a second wave” of US coron...

  • 你知道吗?新冠病毒也有性别歧视”,表现在男性比女性更容易发展成重症。近日,英国的一项新研究发现,感染新冠病毒并康复的男性体内有更多抗体,他们捐献的血浆可能有助于治疗新冠肺炎患者。Male coronavirus survivors are being urged to give bloo...

  • 塞尔维亚职业网球运动员、目前男子网坛排名第一的诺瓦克·德约科维奇在参加了他自己组织的网球巡回赛后于当地时间6月23日表示,他和他的妻子新冠病毒检测呈阳性。Top-ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic announced Tuesday he and h...

  • You already know that frictional expenses can make buying and selling stock in rapid-trading fashion seriously lower your returns.你已经了解了摩擦性成本会导致快速交易方式...

  • Alzheimer's disease is not a pleasant diagnosis at the best of times, and now research suggests some of the early markers of the disease could act...