
  • While it probably won't make it to your dining table, a new scientific achievement might be able to help in everything from radar equipment to ele...

  • 夏日炎炎,口罩还能戴得住吗?如何在戴口罩的同时确保通风透气?日本多家企业推出令人感觉凉快、透气的清凉口罩,抵御新冠病毒的传播,还可以吸热吸汗防中暑。Several companies in different fields are hurrying to develop cool and dry f...

  • 英国的一项研究估计,如果没有采取封锁措施,截至五月初欧洲将会有320万人因新冠病毒而丧命。与此同时,美国的另一项研究指出,中国、韩国、伊朗、法国和美国的封锁措施已拯救了5.3亿个生命。Lockdowns have saved more than three million lives from co...

  • Trump sets Twitter record特朗普日更推特200条US President Trump broke several personal records for Twitter usage Friday with a barrage of social media activity...

  • World economy to shrink 5.2%今年全球经济或下滑5.2%The coronavirus will cause global economic output to contract by 5.2% in 2020, the World Bank said on Monday,...

  • In ads on TV, it all looks so simple. People use mouthwash, it instantly neutralises all the nasty bacteria hiding in their mouths, and – just l...

  • I woke up with drool on my pillow this morning.早上醒来时,我发现枕头上有一滩口水I wouldn't have minded except it wasn't mine.或许我不应该介意,可是那不是我的口水The alarm clock...

  • 当地时间6月9日,HBO Max流媒体平台下架了以美国南北战争为背景的经典影片《乱世佳人》。此前,奥斯卡获奖影片《为奴十二年》的编剧约翰·莱德利公开呼吁HBO Max下架《乱世佳人》,因为该片存在美化蓄奴制、强调黑人刻板印象等种族歧视的嫌疑。"Gone with the Wi...

  • 近年来,疟疾等由蚊子传播的疾病在美国南部呈现上升趋势。美国环保局今年5月批准了一项计划,允许英国生物科技公司Oxitec在佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州释放转基因蚊子,以消灭雌蚊,控制疾病传播。A British biotech company called Oxitec has permission to...

  • 英国一家机构的研究表明,英国的疫情并非由单一一位零号病人”引起,而是存在至少1300个不同的源头。研究还发现,英国最初的新冠肺炎病例大多来自欧洲国家,直接来自中国的不到0.1%。Coronavirus was brought into the UK on at least 1,300 s...