
  • 最新研究指出,地球第六次物种大灭绝正在发生,而且正在加速推进。科学家们担心,物种减少会对地球生态系统产生巨大影响,对人类的生存构成真正的威胁。The sixth mass extinction is not a worry for the future. It's happening now...

  • 社交网络脸书推出了一项新功能,允许用户删除和隐藏自己不想被人看到的帖子,这样一来消除了很多人的隐忧,但是也有人担心破坏性言论的证据也因此消失无踪。Facebook is to allow users to clean up their profiles by hiding posts and pho...

  • Tomatoes are the second-most eaten vegetable in the United States, following potatoes. (And are potatoes really vegetables? Are tomatoes? We digress.)...

  • Swearing is good for you. Well, kind of. A growing body of research suggests that, under the right circumstances, simply saying taboo words out loud s...

  • The market for cigarettes has a negative externality on consumption because consuming cigarettes imposes a cost on others not involved in the market f...

  • Tomatoes are the second-most eaten vegetable in the United States, following potatoes. (And are potatoes really vegetables? Are tomatoes? We digress.)...

  • 肆虐全球的新冠肺炎疫情危机已经严重削弱了美国经济。美国国会预算办公室发布的最新预测显示,由于新冠疫情引发经济急剧萎缩,未来10年美国GDP将因此缩水近8万亿美元。Fallout from the coronavirus pandemic will shrink the size of the US ...

  • 经历过第一季的火爆和第二季的蛰伏之后,《航拍中国》第三季上线啦!你或许做过很多次飞翔的梦,亦或是放大卫星地图就为了找出几个像素大小的自己家。从天空俯瞰人类世界的享受早就不再是鸟类的特权。透过《航拍中国》,许多人看到了广袤中国的顶视图。第一季中,新疆、海南、黑龙江、陕西、江西和上海的小伙伴见到了高清镜...

  • People are good.人性是善良的。Today on my flight to Denver,今天我乘飞机前往丹佛市the pilot announced that they were expecting some turbulence as we descended.当飞机准备降落的时候...

  • Earlier in the year, McDonald’s Singapore brought back its gooey Chocolate Pie, and now it has brought back another tasty dessert. Is anyone wis...