
  • Nasdaq to delist Luckin Coffee纳斯达克通知瑞幸摘牌Luckin Coffee Inc said on Tuesday that Nasdaq Inc has given it notice that it plans to delist it from the US s...

  • Billie Eilish and renowned contemporary artist Takashi Murakami have teamed up to create a limited-edition collaboration for UNIQLO.比莉·艾利什和当代著名...

  • 5月25日下午3时,第十三届全国人民代表大会第三次会议在人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议。最高人民检察院检察长张军向大会作最高人民检察院工作报告。​​​​检察机关起诉保护伞”同比上升295.7%Chinese prosecutors broug...

  • The Definition and Importance of the Supply and Demand Model供给需求模型的定义与重要性Forming the basis for introductory concepts of economics, the supply and dema...

  • There are months when sticking to your budget seems very easy. There are also months when you manage to blow your budget even when you have been caref...

  • Perhaps you've had to put up with a moody, uncooperative teenager. You may well have been one yourself. A new study suggests that dogs go through ...

  • 十三五”规划设定的生态环境目标能否完成? 5月25日下午,生态环境部部长黄润秋亮相全国两会部长通道”,回应了生态环境保护领域的热点问题。China has fulfilled seven of the nine pollution control targets it set...

  • 政府工作报告指出,今年积极的财政政策要更加积极有为,财政赤字规模比去年增加1万亿元,并将发行1万亿元抗疫特别国债。专家表示,中国可以灵活使用各种财政和货币政策来对抗疫情的冲击。To counter the economic shocks caused by the novel coronavirus...

  • American states are scrambling to staff up on contact tracers, hiring 100,000-300,000 employees to keep tabs on COVID-19 patients and their contacts.美...

  • 经济学家指出,尽管新冠肺炎疫情仍有不确定性,但中国的经济复苏将惠及东盟成员国。商务部数据显示,在2020年第一季度,东盟取代欧盟成为中国最大的贸易伙伴。China's economic recovery is set to benefit member states of the Assoc...