
  • 因新冠肺炎疫情影响而延期的2020年全国两会,将分别于5月22日和21日拉开大幕。今年是中国决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚之年,以及十三五”规划收官之年。在这样一个特殊时期召开的两会,将有哪些看点值得关注?看点一:疫情防控下半场”怎么打?Public health is ...

  • Einstein once said that the most powerful force in the universe was compound interest.爱因斯坦曾经说过:宇宙中最强大的力量就是复利。No one is in a better position to harness...

  • If you see a lot of Princess Diana in Meghan Markle, you're definitely not alone. According to Diana's former butler, Paul Burrell, Meghan has...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情期间,在餐厅用餐怎么才能更安全?为了降低风险,以色列发明者研发了一种有机械嘴”的口罩,可以让你外出用餐时也不用摘口罩。Israeli inventors have developed a coronavirus mask with a remote control mouth...

  • 如果你看过电影《异形:契约》,你可能对机器人没什么好感。但是在这个疫情肆虐的时刻,机器人却成为了人类的好帮手。从扫大街到给病人量体温,越来越多的机器人加入了抗疫第一线的工作。ROBOTS ARE OFTEN CAST in popular science fiction as the villain...

  • 国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室主任刘永富5月18日在新闻发布会上说,经过各方面的共同努力,脱贫攻坚工作取得积极进展。总的来看,疫情对脱贫攻坚的影响正在逐步克服,不会改变脱贫攻坚大局。Despite the COVID-19 pandemic exerting some impact on the co...

  • Mount Fuji to be closed富士山60年来首次封山The climbing season for Mount Fuji, Japan's highest peak, is cancelled for this year, after local officials anno...

  • Trump takes uNPRoven drug特朗普自曝服药防新冠US President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the novel coronavirus.美国总...

  • Online Minecraft commencement美大学办二次元”毕业礼The coronavirus pandemic forced UC Berkeley to cancel its plans for a commencement ceremony on campus, b...

  • 在尚未研制出新冠病毒特效药和疫苗的情况下,世界各国只能继续采取隔离措施,并加强消毒。纽约市决定在公交地铁上试点使用紫外线消毒灯,据称这种紫外线灯已被证实可以有效杀死新冠病毒。The agency in charge of public transit in New York City announc...