
  • 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,比利时土豆严重过剩,因为加工厂的冷冻能力有限,多达75万吨的土豆无处可去”。为了解决土豆危机,比利时人被敦促多吃薯条和冷冻土豆产品。When you read the headline 'Belgians urged to eat more fries'...

  • What is the nicest thing you've ever done for a complete stranger and vice versa?你为素不相识的人做过什么最好的事,或者素不相识的人为你做过什么?获得23K好评的回答@Kittie Eubank:After a ...

  • 美国约翰斯•霍普金斯大学最新数据显示,美国新冠肺炎死亡病例已超过8万例,是世界上报告最多死亡病例的国家。而随着近日白宫陆续出现新冠肺炎确诊病例,美国总统特朗普表示,他要求所有白宫工作人员戴口罩工作。White House staff have been ordered to wear ma...

  • 疫情改变着人们的生活,改变着人们的交流方式,也改变着人们使用的表情符号。追踪调查发现,双手合十、戴口罩、细菌和肥皂的表情符号近来使用量大大增加。At a time when in-person conversations are harder to come by, many people are ...

  • If there's one thing you want to be sure of when it comes to investing and retirement planning, it's that you'll have enough money to meet...

  • Large corporations could not have grown to their present size without being able to find innovative ways to raise capital to finance expansion.大公司如果没能...

  • As schools nationwide have gradually reopened following the stabilization of the domestic novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the National Health Co...

  • Museum raises daily visitor cap故宫上调每日预约上限China's Palace Museum will welcome more visitors from next Tuesday as its daily cap on visitor numbers wi...

  • US unemployment rate hits 14.7%美失业率创二战后新高US employers cut 20.5 million jobs in April as the coronavirus pandemic hit the economy and sent the unemploy...

  • 养老院成为美国新冠肺炎疫情暴发的震中”地带,无助的老年人已是美国政府抗疫不力的最大受害群体。据统计,在美国14个州,养老院新冠肺炎死亡病例竟已达全州死亡病例总数的一半以上。Privately compiled data shows Covid-19 deaths of nursing h...