你是不是经常睡不够?没有闹钟是不是很少能自然醒?起床后是不是犯困?是不是习惯在睡前玩手机?是不是有“晚睡强迫症”? 如果回答都为“是”,那么很遗憾,你的睡眠并不健康。 根据《2015年中国睡眠指数报告》,中国人平均睡眠时长为8小时12分钟。虽然每天的睡眠时长超过了8小时,但仍有55.9%的中国人表示“没睡够”,48.6%的人起床后仍经常会感到困倦。63.7%的中国人属于“晚睡星人”,31%的中国人存在严重睡眠问题。 众所周知,睡不好、休息不够,会引起机体多个系统功能失调,增加患心血管疾病和精神疾病的风险。那么,如何才能睡个好觉?权威专家给出了十条助眠建议。 1. Turn off your gadgets 如今,大部分人都喜欢在睡前看看手机,刷刷朋友圈,但这个习惯可能导致“晚睡强迫症”。
福斯特建议,最好在入睡前90分钟关掉手机,在光线柔和的房间中放松身心。 You can even buy special light bulbs mimicking sunlight -- "white and color ambience" bulbs can gradually wake you up and send you to sleep by slowly brightening, dimming and alternating the light's frequency. 2. Avoid a bedtime tipple 很多人认为,睡前喝一杯酒有助于入眠,但事实并非如此。 However enjoyable nightcaps may be, unfortunately they could lead to more shallow sleep.
A shallower sleep could lead to a negative cycle where you're dependent on sedatives to sleep, and stimulants such as caffeine or sugary food to stay awake during the day. 3. Get up early If you're having trouble sleeping, getting up earlier could be the solution for you. It may seem brutal, but it can get results.
You should also avoid napping, especially if it's for over 20 minutes, as waking up from deep sleep can make you feel even more groggy. By getting into a routine of getting up early and experiencing daylight your body clock adjusts to sleep earlier in the evenings, ridding you of those restless nights. 4. Forget your worries It's important to let go of the worries that build up during the day as they can effect both the initiation and maintenance of sleep. "The worries of the day should not be brought to bed," says Antonio Culebras, organizer of World Sleep Day 2016.
Whether you're swimming, running, or practicing yoga, regular exercise can make for a great night's sleep. It's best to work out around six hours before you go to bed as your body stays overheated for several hours after vigorous exercise, causing wakefulness. "Exercise stimulates the nervous system, and it can cause insomnia if you exercise too late in the day," advises Culebras. 6. Work out a little more ... It's also included in World Sleep Day's Ten Commandments of Sleep, which are guidelines for attaining the best sleep possible. As Culebras explained, "Bed is good for two things: number one, sleep; and number two, sex with your bed partner. It is a type of activity that is helpful and accepted." 7. Have a hot drink A hot (non alcoholic) beverage before bed is a great way to relax and prepare for sleep says Foster, as long as it doesn't contain caffeine.
8. Listen to music Soothing sounds can be a good way to doze off, but anything louder might have the opposite effect says Culebras. "What is not as acceptable is loud rock and roll type music because that leads to excitation." 9. Only use medication as a last resort While you may get results in the short term, it's important to be aware of unwanted effects and see your doctor if you're having trouble sleeping. Most of the time insomnia is triggered by psychological problems such as stress, anxiety or depression. It's important to see your physician and treat the underlying issues rather than use pills or supplements for immediate respite. "We don't have this knee jerk reaction of giving a sleeping pill to everyone who suffers from insomnia," says Culebras. "We try to determine why, and then we try to remove what's causing or perpetuating insomnia." 10. Keep it simple For some of you, it's that easy. |