
  • 为应对新冠疫情对影片上映和制作的影响,2021年奥斯卡颁奖典礼将推迟两个月举行,且颁奖形式尚未确定。影片报名截止日期也将从2020年12月31日延长到2021年2月底。同时,在流媒体或视频点播服务上首映的电影也有资格参评。Next year's Oscars ceremony has bee...

  • 对新冠疫情的监测发现,儿童的发病率较低,症状也较轻。这是为什么呢?科学家认为,这可能是因为儿童经常得感冒,免疫系统已经做好了充分准备。Children may be protected from coronavirus because they catch so many colds, scient...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,追踪接触者成为阻止病毒传播的最有力武器。一些国家推出新冠病毒接触者追踪app,还有一些国家培训并雇用了接触者追踪员,减缓了病毒的传播,为抗击疫情争取了时间。Whenever a new infectious disease emerges, contact tracing is...

  • 很多人冲马桶都没有盖上盖子的习惯,殊不知这样做给了病毒传播的便利。扬州大学的研究发现,冲马桶时不合盖,升腾的水雾可达到头部高度,从而可能让人吸入水雾中的病毒。Flushing the toilet with the lid up creates a cloud of spray that can b...

  • A few years ago, I had the honor of traveling through Accra, Ghana. As I rode down a main avenue, images grabbed my attention. On one side of the stre...

  • Zhou Shen (born 29 September 1992) is a Chinese male singer. Zhou is best known for his song Big Fish and The Rose and The Deer, and both of which wer...

  • 一次性口罩既不经济也不环保?以色列理工学院的科研人员近日研发出新型的充电口罩,可使用手机充电器充电加热来杀死口罩上的病毒,以实现重复利用。Israeli researchers say they have invented a reusable face mask that can kill the...

  • 寨卡病毒、非典、埃博拉病毒、新冠病毒是什么导致近年来大流行病频发呢?联合国、世界卫生组织和世界自然基金会指出,这都是人类破坏自然的结果,如果不保护自然,未来还会暴发更致命的大流行病。Pandemics such as coronavirus are the result of humanity&rs...

  • Pandemics such as coronavirus are the result of humanity's destruction of nature, according to leaders at the UN, WHO and WWF International, and t...

  • Band-Aid's multiracial bandages邦迪将推出多色创可贴Band-Aid is creating a range of bandages that "embrace the beauty of diverse skin," including h...