
  • 今天端午节,大家都是怎么过的呢?就算不能出游,吃粽子、戴香包之类的传统活动也少不了吧。今天我们就来聊聊端午节的各项传统习俗。The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, was established during the...

  • 随着新冠疫情在全球范围内蔓延,许多报道都将COVID-19大流行描述为黑天鹅”(black swan)事件。但有语言学家指出,这是一种误用,对这场危机的恰当比喻应为灰犀牛”(grey rhino)。黑天鹅和灰犀牛分别指什么,又有什么区别呢?今天我们就来学一学。黑天鹅Black...

  • How time flies. Summer vacation is approaching.时间过得好快,又快到一年暑假时。I still remember when the dark horse animated feature Ne Zha singlehandedly created the...

  • So, a couple of weeks ago就在几个星期之前my family found out that my Uncle has stage four brain cancer.一家人突然得知,我的叔叔患有脑癌,已经是第四阶段了 I was very upset with the new...

  • What's the smartest thing you've ever seen someone do?你见过别人做什么最聪明的事?获得32.8k好评的回答@Anurag Chaudhary:When I was in the Gandhinagar office of TCS,...

  • Office lighting experiment suggests workers sleep longer when exposed to more daylight办公室照明实验表明,员工在日光下工作时间越多,睡眠时间越长A team of researchers affiliated wi...

  • What are some unwritten social rules everyone should know?有什么不成文的社会规则是每个人都该知道的?获得13k好评的回答@Jake Williams:1.You get invited to a party, you bring booze,...

  • Apple unveiled new ways to discover and organize apps, confirmed a significant change under the hood of Mac computers and announced a new feature that...

  • 人们常说,一孕傻三年”,但女性当了妈妈后真的会更健忘,注意力更差吗?研究显示,当了妈妈不会让注意力持续减退,这种说法并不准确。Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels "Mommy brain" is a long-held perceptio...

  • 阳光是人类生存所不可缺少的,缺乏日晒会导致缺钙,但是长时间日晒也会对人体健康产生不良影响。新研究发现,头部长时间暴露在阳光下会削弱脑力,导致认知能力下降。Those tempted to set up office in the garden as temperatures soar should ...