
  • China's Luckin Coffee (LK) had hopes of being as successful with American investors as its rival Starbucks. But following an accounting scandal, L...

  • 有侃爷”之称的美国非洲裔说唱歌手坎耶·韦斯特7月4日在推特发布消息说,将参加2020年美国总统选举。埃隆·马斯克表示全力支持他竞选。美国今年的总统选举将在11月3日举行投票,独立竞选人目前仍可在一些州登记参选。US rapper Kanye West has ...

  • 在新冠肺炎的各种症状逐渐浮出水面的同时,科学家也发现,一些新冠病毒感染者在痊愈后,身体并没有回到之前的状态,而是出现了长期的疲劳感等症状,这些症状可能会持续数周甚至数月。Most people experience Covid-19 as a short-term illness: once the...

  • 近日美国多所大学纷纷宣布秋季学期计划,哈佛大学2020-2012学年的教学活动将全部在线进行,但是不会减免学费。同时,该校还宣布,允许新生和一部分其他年级学生秋季到校,但是必须每三天进行一次新冠病毒检测。Harvard University is welcoming freshmen and som...

  • As the appeal of at-home workouts has become more ubiquitous during the pandemic, Lululemon, the athletic apparel company, is going all in on the craz...

  • 世卫组织目前的指南指出,新冠病毒主要通过呼吸道飞沫和密切接触在人与人之间传播。近日全球两百多名科学家发布公开信,表示,新冠病毒也可以在空气中传播,并呼吁世卫组织重视这一传播路径。世卫组织发言人表示,已了解到这篇文章,专家们正在就公开信的内容进行审议。A group of 239 scientists...

  • The South Pole has warmed three times faster than the rest of the planet in the last 30 years due to warmer tropical ocean temperatures, new research ...

  • Couple spend lockdown in castle英情侣因疫情独享古堡A young British couple have spent coronavirus lockdown in a medieval castle with a spa, cinema, and 83 guest ...

  • 联合国秘书长发言人迪雅里克7月7日证实,美国已于7月6日正式通知联合国秘书长古特雷斯,将于明年7月退出世界卫生组织。这一正式的退出通知,为特朗普政府数月来持续威胁退出世卫组织的闹剧画上了句号。President Donald Trump has formally moved to withdraw ...

  • Kanye West is very proud of all that wife Kim Kardashian West has accomplished.坎耶·维斯特对妻子金·卡戴珊·维斯特所取得的成就感到非常骄傲。The rapper, 43, pen...