
  • I have a degree in business.我拥有一个贸易专业的学位However,但是it was my father's decision是我父亲的决定for me to pursue a business major.让我学习贸易专业He thought that他认为ha...

  • 当地时间7月14日,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊就华为参与英国5G建设的问题作出最终决定,正式宣布移除华为5G设备时间表。华为当天回应称,这一决定令人失望,对英国所有手机用户来说都是个坏消息,可能会让英国落入数字发展的慢车道”。Chinese technology company...

  • UK offers discount for eat-out英政府推外出就餐半价”Britain launched a $625 million "Eat out to help out" discount strategy to boost spending at ...

  • 最近,意大利境内的阿尔卑斯山出现了一个奇怪的现象:山上的雪竟然变成粉色了!造成变色的罪魁祸首,是一种来自格陵兰岛的藻类。这可不是什么美丽的自然奇观,反而会造成严重的后果——加剧气候变暖所带来的影响。Scientists in Italy are investigating t...

  • 在疫情特殊时期,口罩成为了人们日常生活的必备物品。也许你已经有了清凉的防病毒口罩,但你可能还需要一款能翻译多国语言的高科技口罩。It was only a matter of time before face masks became high-tech.高科技口罩的出现只是时间问题。Japanes...

  • 7月15日,美国大批知名人士和公司的推特账户被黑客攻陷,这些推特账户发布消息,要求粉丝向特定的比特币钱包转账,并承诺粉丝将得到双倍回报。推特公司表示正在调查并采取措施加以解决。The Twitter accounts of major public figures and corporations,...

  • 科学家预测,世界人口将在2064年达到97亿的峰值,然后就开始下降,到2100年将降至88亿,包括日本、意大利在内的23个国家的人口将减少一半,全球人口结构也将发生重大变化。The world's population is likely to peak at 9.7 billion in ...

  • Video game auction bids high古董游戏卡带高价拍出An unopened copy of a vintage Super Mario Bros video game has been sold for $114,000 in an auction that undersco...

  • Huawei revenue surges 13.1%华为上半年营收增13.1%Huawei Technologies Co said on Monday that it recorded 454 billion yuan in revenue in the first half of 2020, ...

  • The world's population is likely to peak at 9.7 billion in 2064, and then decline to about 8.8 billion by the end of the century, as women get bet...