
  • An online post by Gou Jing, from a rural area in Jining, East China's Shandong Province, claiming that she was replaced by another person for univ...

  • A few years ago,几年前when I was going through the deepest point in my depression-我深陷抑郁症中,正度过最黑暗的时光my living situation was abhorrent,我的生活状况非常糟糕I had no c...

  • Chinese netizens surprised at international popularity of 'Xue Hua Piao Piao'中国网民对雪花飘飘”的海外爆红感到惊讶Chinese netizens have expressed surprise...

  • What are some financial tips that every student should know?每个学生都该知道什么省钱窍门?获得36.8k好评的回答@Anubhav Jain:1. This is more than sufficient—1.这个就够用了whi...

  • 小伙伴们上次吃苹果派是在什么时候?我赌五毛钱你们是在麦当劳吃的。好消息来了,迪士尼公开了在其一个度假村供应的苹果派的秘方。不仅美味,而且做法也不麻烦!不要光流口水了,一起来做做看吧!Disney shared the recipe on its blog this weekend alongside...

  • 进入七月,天气是一天比一天热了。夏天和什么东西最配呢?当然是汽水和冰激淋啦。就在前不久,美国的两家酒精苏打水品牌Cutwater Spirits和Truly还分别推出了含酒精的棒棒冰和冰激凌。Cutwater Spirits ice popsThe California-based distille...

  • 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普7月11日前往沃尔特·里德国家军事医学中心,戴着口罩看望伤员与医护人员。这是自美国3月暴发新冠疫情以来,特朗普首次戴口罩公开露面。US President Donald Trump has worn a mask in public for the ...

  • 就在全球科学家积极研发新冠疫苗的时候,英国的一项研究发现,新冠肺炎患者体内的抗体会在数月内消失,而疫苗提供的抗体可能也会如此,这意味着人们无法通过一次性注射疫苗一劳永逸”。更糟的是,新冠病毒可能会像感冒一样让人们每年重复感染。People who have recovered from ...

  • 全球累计新冠确诊病例超过1300万例之际,当地时间7月13日,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在日内瓦举行的在线记者会上表示,太多的国家正朝着错误的方向前进,新冠病毒仍是头号公敌。The coronavirus pandemic will get "worse and worse" if...

  • Chris Evans and Lily James were spotted enjoying each other's company together late in London on Saturday. The two visited the Mark's Club in ...