2 Old Ladies & A Condom
2023-12-05Two old ladies were outside their nursing home having a smoke (that's the only place they could smoke at the nursing home) when it started to rain...
Life is an egg
2023-12-05If you think life is bad... How would you like to be an egg? You only get laid once.You only get eaten once. It takes 4 minutes to get hard. Only 2 mi...
Growing Wild
2023-12-05There was a man who really took care of his body. He lifted weights and jogged 6 miles a day. One day, he took a look in the mirror and noticed that h...
2023-12-05THE LAST 10 THINGS A MAN WOULD EVER SAY 10- I think Barry Manilow is one cool mother-fucker! 9- While I'm up, can I get you a beer? 8- I'm abs...
Here's Your Choice
2023-12-05An old lady at a nursing home walks up to one of the male patients, lifts her skirt, points and says..."Super Pussy", puts her skirt down an...
Female Reindeer
2023-12-05What do Santa's female reindeer do on Christmas Eve while the male reindeer pull his sleigh? Oh, not much... They just head into town to blow a fe...
Making Fish Stix
2023-12-05One day a little boy walked in on his parents doing it and asked what they were doing. The parents' reply was that they were making fish sticks. S...
Wife Acronym
2023-12-05Two guys and a girl were sitting at a bar talking about their lives. The one guy says “I'm a YUPPIE... you know, Young Urban Professional.“ The se...
Eye Rubbers
2023-12-05Why do women rub their eyes when they wake up in the morning? Because they don't have balls to scratch....
You May Feel A Little Prick
2023-12-05A guy and a girl meet at a bar. They get along so well that they decide to go to the girl's place. A few drinks later, the guy takes off his shirt...