
  • Q: What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?A: You can unscrew a light bulb!...

  • Car Troubles


    An blond was driving home on the freeway after work when she was hit by a hailstorm that left her car completely dented all over. She decided to go to...

  • Maternal Miracles


    A woman went to her doctor's office where she was seen by a young new doctor.After about four minutes in the examination room, the doctor told her...

  • A teacher gave her class of 11 year olds an assignment: To get their parent to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.The next day the kids c...

  • Jack told his wife, Helen, that he wanted to spend his vacation where he had never been before.Helen said, "How about the kitchen?"杰克对他的妻子海伦...

  • A woman had a desire to have her portrait painted, and her husband engaged the best artist he could find. During one of the sittings , the wife made a...

  • Three blondes are attempting to change a light bulb.One of them decides to call 911.Blonde: We need help. We're three blondes changing a light bul...

  • Mother: 'Hello?'Daughter: 'Hi Mom. Can I leave the kids with you tonight?'Mother: 'You're going out?'Daughter: 'Yes.&#...

  • At Saint Mary's Catholic Church they have a weekly husband's marriage seminar. At a session, last week, the Priest asked Luigi, who was approa...

  • A husband and his blonde wife were in bed asleep. About 2 AM they both awoke to the neighbors dog barking extremely loudly...After lying there for the...

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