
  • Rich people with wobblymarriages need to think hard about where they live 婚姻不稳定的有钱人要慎重考虑自己的居住地 MARRIAGE may be about love, but divorce is a business. ...

  • SUMMARY OF U.S.-CHINA BILATERAL WTO AGREEMENTFebruary 2, 2000 AGRICULTURE The Agreement would eliminate barriers and increase access for U.S. exports ...

  • 国务院令第76号(Promulgated on March 4, 1991)颁布日期:19910304  实施日期:19910401  颁布单位:国务院Chapter 1 General PrinciplesArticle 1 With a view to guaranteeing the legi...

  • YEOMAN. In the United States this word does not appear to have any very exact meaning. It is usually put as an addition to the names of parties in dec...

  • YEAR AND DAY. This period of time is particularly recognized in the law. For example, when a judgment is reversed, a party, notwithstanding the lapse ...

  • YARD. A measure of length, containing three feet, or thirty-six inches.YARD, estates. A piece of land enclosed for the use and accommodation of the in...

  • WRIT OF WASTE. The name of a writ to be issued against a tenant who has committed waste of the premises. There are several forms of this writ, that ag...

  • WRIT OF TRESPASS, practice. This writ lies where a party claims damages for a trespass committed against his person, or tangible and corporeal propert...

  • WRIT OF PROCLAMATION, Engl. practice. A writ which issues, at the same time with the exigi facias, by virtue of Stat. 31 Eliz. c. 3, s. 1, by which th...

  • WRIT OF PREVENTION. This name is given to certain writs which may be issued in anticipation of suits which may arise. Co. Litt. 100. See Quia Timet. W...

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