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中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 40


第二十六章 送达、期间

Chapter XXVI Service and Time Periods

第二百四十七条 人民法院对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人送达诉讼文书,可以采用下列方式:

Article 247 A people's court may serve litigation documents on a party who has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China in the following ways:


 (1) in the way specified in the international treaties concluded or acceded to by both the People's Republic of China and the country where the person on whom service is to be made resides;


 (2) by making the service through diplomatic channels;


"(3) with respect to the person on whom the service is to be made and who is of the nationality of the People's Republic of China, service may be entrusted to the embassy or consulate of the People's Republic of China accredited to the country where the person resides;"


 (4) by making the service on the agent ad litem who is authorized to receive the documents served;


(5) by serving the documents on the representative office established in the People's Republic of China by the person on whom the service is to be made or on his branch office or business agents there who have the right to receive the documents;


"(6) by making service by mail if the law of the country where the person on whom the service is to be made resides so permits; in the event that the receipt of delivery is not returned six months after the date on which the documents were mailed, and that circumstances justify the assumption that service has been made, the service shall be deemed completed upon the expiration of the said time period; "


"and (7) by making service by public notice, if none of the above-mentioned methods can be employed. The service shall be deemed completed six months after the date on which the public notice was issued."

第二百四十八条 被告在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的,人民法院应当将起诉状副本送达被告,并通知被告在收到起诉状副本后三十日内提出答辩状。

"Article 248 If a defendant has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court shall serve a copy of the statement of complaint on the defendant and notify him to submit his defence within 30 days after he receives the copy of the statement of complaint."


Extension of the period requested by the defendant shall be at the discretion of the people's court.

第二百四十九条 在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人,不服第一审人民法院判决、裁定的,有权在判决书、裁定书送达之日起三十日内提起上诉。被上诉人在收到上诉状副本后,应当在三十日内提出答辩状。当事人不能在法定期间提起上诉或者提出答辩状,申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。

"Article 249 If a party who has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China is not satisfied with a judgment or written order made by a people's court of first instance, he shall have the right to file an appeal within 30 days from the date the written judgment or order is served. The appellee shall submit his defence within 30 days after receipt of a copy of the appeal petition. If a party who is unable to file an appeal or submit a defence within the period prescribed by the law requests an extension of the period, the people's court shall decide whether to grant it."

第二百五十条 人民法院审理涉外民事案件的期间,不受本法第一百三十五条、第一百五十九条规定的限制。

Article 250 The period for the trials of civil cases involving foreign element by the people's court shall not be restricted by the provisions of Articles 135 and 159 of this Law.
