英文法律词典 W-28
2023-12-07WITHOUT THIS, THAT, pleading. These are technical words used in a traverse, (q. v.) for the purpose of denying a material fact in the preceding pleadi...
英文法律词典 W-27
2023-12-07WITHOUT, pleading. This word is adopted in formal traverses, and is a negative signifying "and not for;" accordingly the language of the eld...
英文法律词典 W-26
2023-12-07WISTA. Among the Saxons, this was a measure of land; it contained a half hide, or sixty acres.TO WIT. To know, that is to say, namely. See Scilicet.WI...
英文法律词典 W-25
2023-12-074th. Civilized persons of Indian descent, not members of any tribe; Provided, that the legislature may at any time extend by law the right of suffrage...
英文法律词典 W-24
2023-12-07WINCHESTER MEASURE. The standard measure originally kept at Winchester, in England.WINDOW. An opening made in the wall of a house to admit light and a...
英文法律词典 W-23
2023-12-07WILL or TESTAMENT. The legal declaration of a man's intentions of what he wills to be performed after his death. Co. Litt. 111; Swinb. Pt. 1, s. I...
英文法律词典 W-22
2023-12-07WILFULLY, intentionally.2. In charging certain offences it is required that they should be stated to be wilfully done. Arch. Cr. Pl. 51, 58; Leach'...
英文法律词典 W-21
2023-12-07WIFE'S EQUITY. By this phrase is understood the equitable right of a wife to have settled upon her and her children a suitable provision out of he...
英文法律词典 W-20
2023-12-07WIDOW'S CHAMBER, Eng. law. In London the apparel of a widow and the furniture of her chamber, left by her deceased husband, is so called, and the ...
英文法律词典 W-19
2023-12-07WHITE PERSONS. The acts of congress which authorize the naturalization of aliens, confine the description of such aliens to free white persons.2. This...