2023-12-0610月9日,全国社会保障基金理事会与美国北美信托银行和花旗银行签署了社保基金境外投资全球托管协议。成立于2000年的社保基金理事会,主要负责管理大部分国有企业的养老金,截至2005年底,其资产总额已达到2010.2亿元人民币。 请看外电相关报道:China's National Counci...
Central parity rate 汇率中间价
2023-12-06阅读财经报道时,若涉及到外汇牌价,常会看到参考汇率”、汇率中间价”等字眼,如何表达其相应的英文含义? 请看《中国日报》相关报道:China's currency, the renminbi, has appreciated almost 5 per cent sinc...
recall “召回”
2023-12-06日本索尼公司可谓是连连受挫,从即日起,IBM和联想将在全球范围内召回共52.6万块笔记本问题电池,这是近期内索尼问题锂电池第四次大规模召回事件。看来,日本制造”的质量金字招牌可谓渐行渐远。 请看中国日报相关报道:Lenovo and IBM Corporation have annou...
Pigs might fly: 那太不可能了!
2023-12-06汉语里,若觉得某一建议荒诞、离奇或根本不可能实现,我们常常会反讥对方:啊,除非太阳从西边出来!”。英语中,类似的意思可用俚语There's a pig flying by!”(字面意:猪飞了起来)来表达。 很明显,除非发生奇迹,否则笨笨的猪肯定飞不起来,换言之,你所...
2023-12-06Clearance:官方证明书Lenovo Group has obtained U.S. government clearance for the purchase of IBM's PC unit.Fish out of water:如鱼离水'Pacifier' did ...
2023-12-06Shade:细微差别Disney's profit of $698 million, or 33 cents a share, was a shade above Wall Street estimates and contrasts with the $537 million, or 26...
2023-12-06Unionized:工会组织的But aside from giving interns valuable experience, the program is a relatively cheap source of labor for Disney and sometimes worries t...
2023-12-06curb:抑制;控制The physical and psychological damage caused by Hurricane Katrina is likely to reverberate across the global economy in ways that will curb ...
2023-12-06liquidator:清算人Stephen Liu Yiu-keung and Yeo Boon-ann have been appointed as joint liquidatorsof the company, to implement the transactions outlined in...
2023-12-06outbound travel:出境游Outbound travel by Chinese citizens started in 1997 with destinations consisting merely of Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Phili...