2023-12-06今天我们要讲的习语和枪有关,不过,这把枪”不是用来伤人的,而是指田径场上的发令枪。赛跑一贯以朝天开枪作为开跑的信号,赛跑时,如果运动员不遵守比赛规则,在枪还没响的时候就开始跑,那么他就是to jump the gun”,也就是我们所说的抢跑”。 注意啦!片语jum...
2023-12-061. be fed up to the back teethextremely irritated and fed up with something or someone 烦透了某人或某事例如:I'm fed up to the back teeth with my job. 我烦透了现在...
Think outside the box 解放思想
2023-12-06It means to think creatively; to approach a situation or problem in a new way. This popular phrase is relatively recent. 'The box' refers to t...
2023-12-06事情是这样的:一外国朋友须在月底前租到一居室。不过,目前来看,情形很不乐观,他的求租贴都发出两周了依然毫无头绪。What if you fail to rent the one-bedroom apartment? ” 我问。Well, I'll cross that bridg...
2023-12-06在年初严惩数名踢假球的国家队主力球员后,越南警方继续重拳出击。7月2日,4名裁判因收受贿赂和操纵比赛而得到相应制裁,其中获刑最长的达7年。 请看外电相关报道:A Vietnamese court has sentenced four soccer referees, three of them FI...
2023-12-06谈到笑柄”,您可能会立马想到butt”或butt of the joke”。不过,在阅读理解”中若碰到laughingstock”,千万别蒙头!它也表示笑柄”。 Laughingstock”最早可追溯到16世纪,当时...
2023-12-06供认不讳的真理:股市很热。不过,越是热”,越要把好上市公司的关,严防其误闯三个禁区:虚假信息披露的禁区、操纵股价和内幕交易的禁区” 如上话语摘自证监会副主席范福春在上市公司高峰论坛”上的讲话。 请看《中国日报》相关报道:The clampdown on price...
Quake in one's boots
2023-12-06Also, shake in one's boots; quake or shake like a leaf. Both quake and shake here mean "tremble." These idioms were preceded by the alli...
2023-12-06Make your mouth water Food can make your mouth water when it looks and smells extremely good. eg: That delicious smell from the kitchen is making my m...