
  • Free Meat


    It was many years ago since the embarrassing day when a young woman, with a baby in her arms, entered his butcher shop and confronted him with the new...

  • A man staggers into casualty with two black eyes and a five iron wrapped around his throat. Naturally the doctor asks him what happened. “Well, it was...

  • Dating Young


    The mother of a 17-year-old girl was concerned that her daughter was having sex. Worried the girl might become pregnant and adversely impact the famil...

  • Staying Young


    Some people grow old gracefully, while others fight and scratch the whole way. Andy's wife, refusing to give in to the looks of growing old, goes ...

  • Trip To Europe


    A beautiful young New York woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. But just before she could throw...

  • Canaries


    Three young women are at a cocktail party. The conversation turns to their position in life and it's clear that they are trying to one-up each oth...

  • There was a young virgin that was going out on a date for the first time and she told her grandmother about it. Her grandmother says, "Sit here a...

  • What Did He Say?


    An elderly couple were driving across the country. The woman was driving when she got pulled over by the Gardai. The Garda said, "Ma'am did y...

  • Vibrating Husband


    A mother was walking down the hall when she heard a humming sound coming from her daughters bedroom. When she opened the door she found her daughter n...

  • Feminist Protest


    A professor told dirty jokes in class and the women wanted to protest it. So they decided that in the next time that the professor will start with the...

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