Shocked Old Ladies
2023-12-05Three old ladies are sitting in the park on a beautiful spring day feeding the pigeons and the squirrels, when suddenly, a man in a long trench coat j...
Three Drunk Women
2023-12-05Three women left separately after a very late night out drinking Guinness until the early hours. They met the next day for an early pint, and compared...
Maths And Logic
2023-12-05There are two nuns. One of them is known as Sister Mathematical (SM) and the other one is known as Sister Logical (SL). It is getting dark and they ar...
Naked Accident
2023-12-05A young man was showing off his new sports car to his girlfriend. She was thrilled with the speed. "If I do 150mph will you take off your clothes...
Getting Weighed
2023-12-05Joe took his blind date to the carnival. "What would you like to do first, Kim?" asked Joe. "I want to get weighed," she said. The...
What Do I Look Like?
2023-12-05A newlywed couple just moved into their new house. One day the husband comes home from work and his wife says, "Honey, you know, in the upstairs ...
Men Super Store
2023-12-05Recently a "Husband Super Store" opened where women could go to choose a husband from among many men. It was laid out in five floors. The on...
Old But Horny
2023-12-05Two old ladies were sitting on rocking chairs in their retirement home. One asked, "Do you still ever get horny?" "Oh, yes!" was t...
Working Together
2023-12-05At one point during a game, the coach said to one of his young players, "Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is?" The little ...
Get Me The Manager
2023-12-05A rather attractive woman goes up to the register in an upscale hamburger establishment. She gestures alluringly to a large man who comes over immedia...