2023-12-06We want to develop direct contact with Continental buyers for ourselves.我们想为自己的公司同欧洲大陆的买主建立起直接的联系。We see that your firm specializes in Light Industria...
2023-12-06Can we do a barter trade?咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?Is it still a direct barter trade?这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we'll give...
2023-12-06对外贸易与外贸关系Foreign Trade & Foreign Trade RelationshipThey mainly trade with Japanese firms.他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。For the past five years, we have done a lot...
2023-12-0673)We are very sorry not to be able to give you a definite reply in respect of the above matter.就上述事情,我方歉难给予肯定的答复。74)We are very for the inconvenience...
2023-12-0637) We thank you for your letter of informing us that我们感激贵方月日的来函,惠告38) You kindly enclosed with your letter of particulars of , for which we thank you...
2023-12-06Opening Sentences 启头句:1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that兹欣告你方2)We have the pleasure of informing you that兹欣告你方3)We are pleased (glad) to ...
2023-12-06Daphne提供观众所需的背景数据后,便进入presentation的核心阶段。她必须以专业者的眼光指出天籁在美国成功的销售经验与在台湾所需的行销企划之间所存在的重要差异。 I know EarthSound has used all of these advertising methods suc...
2023-12-06图表就像是数字地图”,可以让看的人一目了然。成功的演说者应该就这些数字、图表加以诠释,让听众即刻掌握这些数字之间的关系。 The statistics I've just given show that Taiwan is definitely a youth-oriented ...
2023-12-06一般来说,统计数字可以增加presentation的可信度。Daphne早就准备好以一连串的数字来说服她的观众;她成功的主要因素之一就是能有效地运用各种统计数字与数据。 Most of Taiwan's hair salons are full-service shops that have...
2023-12-06做presentation时,若能提供看得见的数据,再给观众一些具体可及的线索,那么这场presentation就成功一半了。现在,Daphne就准备了一些醒目有力的幻灯片来增强presentation的效果。 I have prepared a short slide presentation t...