
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情




Most of Taiwan's hair salons are full-service shops that have a regular customer base. Taken as a group, the salons have moderate buying power when it comes to beauty products. The money they spend makes up 13.5% of the total yearly sales for the industry.


And the size of this market? Taiwan's twenty million people spent five-point-four billion U.S. dollars on beauty products last year or two hundred and fifty dollars per capita. Salons accounted for four-hundred million of this total. Breaking the figures down even further, five out of every eight dollars were spent by women. One half of the total was spent by people between the ages of nineteen and thirty-five. The last and most surprising statistic shows that teenagers spend the highest per capita total; at three-hundred twenty-three dollars, this is one-point-three times the total of the young adult market.



1. make up 组(合)成;造成

make up这个动词词组有相当多的意思,如“弥补、修护、造成”,在本文中则指“造成”,可以用 compose 或 form 来代换。

Teenagers make up 30% of the market in Taiwan.


2. account for 占(花费的)部分

Account 的意思是“计算”。account for 可以做“解释;说明……的原因”,但在此处引申的意思则是“说明金钱是怎么花的;占花费的多少”,譬如每月开销的一半花在房租上,你就可以说:“Rent accounts for half of monthly expenditures.”

Taiwan accounts for 12% of all sales in Asia.


3. breaking (the figures) down 分析;分类

当你将一大堆数字分成小部分来分析,就是将它们break down -“分析;分类”。譬如把生活费区分为食、衣、住、行、医药费等,就是break down the figures on living expenses into food, shelter, education, medical bills, etc.。这个词组也可以用来指“毁损”、“故障”。另外,figures通指经统计、计算而得到的数字。

After breaking the figures down, we found that the company wasn't in such poor financial shape.



●  庞大数目的说法

1. 100 百 hundred
2. 1,000 千 thousand
3. 10,000 万 ten thousand
4. 100,000 十万 hundred thousand
5. 1,000,000 百万 million
6. 10,000,000 千万 ten million
7. 100,000,000 亿 hundred million
8. 1,000,000,000 十亿 billion
9. 10,000,000,000 百亿 ten billion
10. 100,000,000,000 千亿 hundred billion
11. 1,000,000,000,000 兆 trillion
12. 1,800 - Eighteen-hundred
13. 90,000 - Ninety thousand
14. 200,000 - Two-hundred thousand
15. 85,600,000 - Eight-five-point-six million
16. 7,000,400,000,000 - Steven-trillion four-hundred million

用英文说庞大的数字时,为避免绕口,有两个简便的办法。第一,当详细数目字不是那么重要时,可使用整数来表达,譬如:two million ninety-three thousand and two(二百零九万三千零二)可以 two million 代替,把零头删除不说。另一种方式是以最大的单位做基准,用小数点的方式来表达,譬如把 five-billion four-hundred million(五十四亿)说成 five-point-four billion,这样的表达方式比较简洁。另外请您注意:billion,美语用法是指“十亿”,而英式英语则为“兆”;trillion,在美语中为“兆”,而英式用法为百万的立方,即为“十万兆”。

●  小数点和百分比

1. 0.32 - O-point-three-two
2. 0.7% -Zero-point-seven percent
3. 89% - Eighty-nine percent
4. 300% - Three-hundred percent

表达数据时,可尽量采用小数点 (decimals) 和百分比 (percentages),听者比较容易掌握。前面提过可以用 point 这个词来简化庞大的数目。但需注意的是,小于1的数目应该在 point 之前加上 zero(零),譬如0.90念成 zero-point-nine;若大于1,就直接读出该数字,然后接 point,例如 two-point-three (2.3)。百分比则大都用来表示比例关系,而且通常只有二位数,所以听者易记易懂。譬如 thirteen-point-five percent (13.5%),书写时数字后一定要加 % 这个符号。

●  分数和比率

1. 5/8 - Five eights
2. 1/6 - A sixth
3. 2/3 - Two thirds
4. 4:5 - Four in five
5. 9:10 - nine out of ten
6. 10:1 - ten to one
7. 1000:1 - a thousand to one

分数和比率的用法在强调数据的对比时相当重要。用英文来表示分数时:分子以数目读出,分母则以序数读出;分子若大于1,分母则须加 s,例如:1/2念成 one second或 one-half,2/3念成 two-thirds,3/4则念成 three-quarters。复杂的分数通常可用关键词 over来表达,如 123/456 要读成:a (one)hundred twenty-three over four hundred fifty-six。谈到比率时,若是要表达"某个数目之中的多少个",有两种表达方式:out of和in,譬如presentation中的five out of eight (5:8),或 one in three (1:3)。而若单纯强调"几比几",则经常用 to。


投影片 (overhead transparencies) 虽是最常使用的视听媒体之一,但是一些制作上的基本原则未必人人懂得,因此不合标准的投影片处处可见。不良或字体过小的投影片,彷佛对台下观众实施酷刑;或因为信息过多,使人抓不住重点。以下提供一些投影片制作上的基本原则。



运用关键词或标题作提示。整体的文字越短越好,谨记KISS的原则(Keep it simply simple.--简洁扼要),一张投影片勿多过6行字,若为英文则每行不应超过6个词。

