
  • 几乎每周,都会有一家公司做出一笔针对亚洲新兴中产阶级的新投资:银行、零售商以及消费品制造商纷纷涌入该地区。它们是否会面临漫长的等待呢?Almost every week, another company makes a new investment predicated on Asia's ...

  • 担心高钻石价格难以持续的投资者,也许很快就有帮手了。Investors who fear that high diamond prices may not be forever will soon have help at hand. 银行家和钻石专家将在未来数日推出两项举措,以创建全球首批与钻石价...

  • 8年前,中国的专家治国论者提出了一个如何处理政府巨量玉米储备的计划,因为这些储备就要变质。 Eight years ago, China's technocrats came up with an idea for what to do with the government's v...

  • 法国新内阁成员已接到通知,要求他们停止使用黑莓手机(BlackBerry),原因是担心美国可能截取国家机密。Members of the new French cabinet have been told to stop using their BlackBerries because of fea...

  • 似乎,连硅谷富裕的工程师也喜欢免费的午餐供应。Even the well-off engineers of Silicon Valley fall for the offer of a free lunch, it seems.在硅谷,员工们纷纷涌向其它提供免费食物并能满足其人际交往欲望的公司,这一...

  • 香港特首曾荫权(Donald Tsang)表示,支持有关香港和上海交易所彼此交易对方上市股票的提议,并证实正在进行相关谈判。Donald Tsang, Hong Kong's chief executive, has endorsed proposals to begin trading H...

  • 欧洲风险资本市场去年强劲复苏,通过基金筹集、投资于初创企业和初期企业的资金量增加了60%,达到2000年互联网泡沫顶峰以来的最高水平。Europe's venture capital market recovered sharply last year, as money raised by...

  • 伦敦商界领袖们表示,首都的技术人才短缺现象正日益加重,政府的教育和培训改革未能提供充足的高技能员工,以满足它们的需求。London's business leaders say skills shortages in the capital are getting worse, with t...

  • 谷歌(Google)正准备推出欧洲版的YouTube。YouTube是该公司旗下人气颇高的视频共享服务。Google is preparing to launch European versions of its popular video-sharing service YouTube.据英国《金...

  • 最新研究称,稳定的法律和经济构架、透明的商业监管,让伦敦成为全球经济中最重要的城市。A stable legal and economic framework and transparent business regulation make London the most important cit...