2007年6月20日 法国禁止内阁成员使用黑莓手机
法国新内阁成员已接到通知,要求他们停止使用黑莓手机(BlackBerry),原因是担心美国可能截取国家机密。 Members of the new French cabinet have been told to stop using their BlackBerries because of fears that the US could intercept state secrets. The SGDN, which is responsible for national security, has banned the use of the personal data assistants by anyone in the president's or prime minister's offices on the basis of "a very real risk of interception" by third parties. The ban has been prompted by SGDNconcerns that the BlackBerry system is based on servers located in the US and the UK, and that highly sensitive strategic information being passed between French ministers could fall into foreign hands. |