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I know EarthSound has used all of these advertising methods successfully in the United States, and you may feel that what works in the States will work in Taiwan. This is definitely not the case. There are important differences between EarthSound's advertising and the advertising of successful companies in Taiwan.


EarthSound's slogan is, "EarthSound - the healthy alternative for you and the environment," while V08's slogan is, "Thank you, V08, for making me beautiful." Why the difference? My calculations show that 85% of the American public believes they can do something to help the environment, but only 30% of Taiwan's people feel the same. America's politicians and its media have made people aware of this issue. This has created a market for EarthSound's products. If Taiwan's politicians and media would do the same, then the people of Taiwan would be ready for EarthSound's advertising. This hasn't happened yet.



1. (be) aware of 注意;察觉;意识到

aware是个形容词,原意为“知道、晓得”,与of一起使用。be aware of的意思是指感觉到或注意到某一种情况或气氛。同义的词组有become aware of。

We should be aware of the financial risks before committing ourselves.


2. be ready for... 准备好的;可以(做……)了

ready是形容词,意思为“准备好的”。be ready for即“有准备要做……”,引申有“对……是适合的”之意。presentation中,Daphne认为台湾人的环保意识还不够普遍,故 not ready for accepting(还不能接受)天籁的广告词。

We should be ready for strong competition when we move into the Taiwan market.


3. work 有效;成功;达到目的

work 一般的意思是“工作”(动词;名词);在这里是个口语用法,“有效;发挥功能”的意思,例如它在文中就是用来描述美国的广告词若原封不动搬到台湾就没办法“产生效果”。要注意的是,“work”用做“有效”的意思时,其主词一定是某事、物或某个办法,而不是人。

If your training program works in Hong Kong, it will work in Singapore.



●  比较差异

1. There are important differences between (A) and (B).

2. There are great distinctions between (A) and (B).

3. There are obvious contrasts between (A) and (B).

4. We can see discrepancies between (A) and (B).

5. We find great differences between (A) and (B).

presentation中要做一些比较时,最好提醒观众的注意,例如先说“There are important differences between...and...,……(之间)有很大的不同”,然后再说出不同之处。这个句型可以直接指出某两项事物有极大的差异;differences,“差别”在此为复数,表示有多项不同点,并以 important 来形容,有强调差异性的作用;介词 between 之后加相比较的事物,并注意要用 and 来连结这两者。如果差异并不复杂,你甚至可以接着把它们列出来。

●  提出因果关系

1. If (the cause), then (the effect)

2. When (the cause) happens, (the effect) happens

3. When we do (the cause), (the effect) occurs

4. (The cause) caused (the effect)

5. (Effects) were all due to (the cause)

有果必有因,presentation中尤其要说明结果的来由,以服众人。“If..., then...”就是经常用来说明因果的句子。If 后面接表示原因的句子,then 后面接表示结果的句子。通常都是先说明原因再提到结果,这样比较合乎逻辑又易懂。但有时候为了强调,也可以先列出一连串的结果再说明造成的原因。
