2023-12-07Article 16 Amendments(1) The present Convention may be amended by any of the proceduresspecified in the following paragraphs.(2) Amendments after cons...
2023-12-07Article 6 Detection of Violations and Enforcement of the Conven-tion(1) Parties to the Convention shall co-operate in the detection ofviolations and t...
2023-12-0713. As a result of its deliberations, recorded in the summary recordsand reports of the Conference, the following instruments were adopted bythe Confe...
2023-12-071973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约 FINAL ACT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARINE POLLUTION,1973颁布日期:19731102 实施日期:19731102 颁布单位:伦敦1. By its Resolution A. 176 (...
一九七四年约克·安特卫普规则 THE YORK-ANTWERP RULES, 1974
2023-12-07颁布日期:19740101 实施日期:19740101 颁布单位:汉堡Rule of interpretationIn the adjustment of generalaverage the following lettered and numbered Rules shall apply t...
2023-12-07Article 371. Unless the parties have agreed before, during or after theconciliation procedure that the recommendation of the conciliators shallbe bind...
2023-12-07CHAPTER IV. FREIGHT RATESArticle 12 Criteria for Freight-Rate DeterminationIn arriving at a decision on questions of tariff policy in all casesmention...
2023-12-071974年班轮公会行动守则公约 CONVENTION ON A CODE OF CONDUCT FOR LINER CONFERENCES, 1974颁布日期:19740311 实施日期:19831006 颁布单位:日内瓦Objectives and PrinciplesThe Contract...
2023-12-07颁布日期:19741213 实施日期:19870428 颁布单位:雅典THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION,HAVING RECOGNIZED the desirability of determining by agreement certainrules...
2023-12-07(December 16, 1974)颁布日期:19741216 实施日期:19741216 颁布单位:国务院The Proposals on Strengthening the Commercial Administration of Cultural Relics and Implement...