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颁布日期:19731102  实施日期:19731102  颁布单位:伦敦

1. By its Resolution A. 176 (VI) of October 21, 1969, the Assembly ofthe Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization decided toconvene in 1973 an International Conference on Marine Pollution. ThisConference was held in London from October 8 to November 2, 1973.

2. The following States were represented by delegations at theConference:


    Australia                                Kenya
    Bahrain                                  Khmer Republic
    Belgium                                  Kuwait
    Brazil                                   Liberia
    Bulgaria                                 Libyan Arab Republic
    Byelorussian Soviet Socialist            Madagascar
    Republic                                 Mexico
    Canada                                   Monaco
    Chile                                    Morocco
    Cuba                                     Netherlands
    Cyprus                                   New Zealand
    Denmark                                  Nigeria
    Dominican Republic                       Norway
    Ecuador                                  Panama
    Egypt                                    Peru
    Finland                                  Philippines
    France                                   Poland
    German Democratic Republic               Portugal
    Germany, Federal Republic of             Republic of Korea
    Ghana                                    Romania
    Greece                                   Saudi Arabia
    Haiti                                    Singapore
    Hungary                                  South Africa
    Iceland                                  Spain
    India                                    Sri Lanka
    Indonesia                                Sweden
    Iran                                     Switzerland
    Iraq                                     Thailand
    Ireland                                  Trinidadand Tobago
    Italy                                    Tunisia
    Ivory Coast                              Ukrainian Soviet Socialist
    Japan                                    Republic
    Jordan                                   Union of Soviet Socialist
    Republics                                United Republic of Tanzania
    United Arab Emirates                     United States of America
    United Kingdom of Great Britain          Uruguay
    and Northern Ireland                     Venezuela
    3. The following States were represented at the Conference by
    Colombia                                          Republic of Viet-Nam
    Jamaica                                           Turkey
    Malawi                                            Yugoslavia 


The Government of Hong Kong was also represented by an observer.

4. At the invitation of the Assembly the following organizations inthe United Nations system sent representatives to the Conference:

United Nations

United Nations Environment Programme

Food and Agriculture Organization

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

International Atomic Energy Agency

5. The following inter-governmental organizations sent observers tothe Conference: European Economic Community

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law

6. The following non-governmental organizations also sent observers tothe Conference:

International Chamber of Shipping

International Organization for Standardization

International Electrotechnical Commission

International Union of Marine Insurance

International Association of Ports and Harbors

The Baltic and International Maritime Conference

International Association of Classification Societies

International Law Association

European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federation

Oil Companies International Marine Forum

International Shipowners' Association

Friends of the Earth International

7. At the opening of the Conference The Hon. Michael Heseltine,Minister of Aerospace and Shipping of the United Kingdom and Mr. MauriceStrong Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme madestatements supporting the objective of the Conference.

8. The Conference elected Mr. S. V. Bhave, Head of the Indiandelegation, as President of the Conference.

9. Twenty-four Vice-Presidents of the Conference were elected, asfollows:

First Vice-President: Mr. G. Lindencrona (Sweden)

Mr. R. M Gowland (Argentina)

H. E. Mr. M. Raffaelli (Brazil)

The Hon. Jack Davis (Canada)

Dr. M. Oporto (Cuba)

Mr. M. A. El-Sammak (Egypt)

Mr. J. P. Cabouat (France)

Dr. H. Rentner (German Democratic Republic)

Dr. G. Breuer (Germany, Federal Republic of)

H. E. Mr. H. V. H. Sekyi (Ghana)

Mr. M. Sjadzali (Indonesia)

Mr. H. Afshar (Iran)

Mr. K. G. Loukou (Ivory Coast)

H. E. Mr. S. Sugihara (Japan)

Mr. A. G. Toukan (Jordan)

Mr. E. Dinga (Kenya)

Mr. N. A. Al-Nakib (Kuwait)

Mr. M. Ramarozaka (Madagascar)

Dr. Vizcaino Murray (Mexico)

Captain D. W. Boyes (New Zealand)

Mr. S. Perkowicz (Poland)

H. E. Mr. G. Nhigula (United Republic of Tanzania)

Mr. V. Tikhonov (USSR)

Mr. J. N Archer (United Kingdom)

10. Mr. Colin Goad. Secretary-General of the Organization, acted asSecretary-General of the Conference with Mr. J. Queguiner. DeputySecretary-General, as Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference. CaptainA. Saveliev, Secretary of the Maritime Safety Committee of theOrganization, was appointed Executive Secretary of the Conference and Mr.Y. Sasamura. Head of Marine Science and Technology Division, and Mr. T.Mensah, Head of Legal Division, of the Organization were appointed DeputyExecutive Secretaries of the Conference.

11. The Conference established the following Committees and a SteeringCommittee composed of officers of the Conference:

Committee I

Chairman: H. E. Dr. P. V. J. Solomon (Trinidad and


Vice-Chairman: Mr. G. Lindencrona (Sweden)

Committee II

Chairman: Dr. L. Spinelli (Italy)

Vice-Chairman: Dr. W. Al-Nimer (Bahrain)

Committee III

Chairman: Mr. R. J. Lakey (United States of


Vice-Chairman: Mr. Koh Eng Tian (Singapore)

Committee IV

Chairman: H. E. Prof. A. Yankov (Bulgaria)

Vice-Chairman: The Hon. G. F. B. Cooper (Liberia)

Credentials Committee

Chairman: Mr. P. A. Araque (Philippines)

Drafting Committee

Chairman: Mr. G. A. E. Longe (Nigeria)

Vice-Chairman: H. E. Mr. J. D. del Campo (Uruguay)

12. The following documentation formed the basis of the work of theConference:

-Draft Text of an International Convention for the Prevention ofPollution from Ships, 1973

-Draft Protocol Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Casesof Marine Pollution by Substances other than Oil

-Draft Resolutions relating to the prevention and control ofmarine pollution

-Proposals and comments, including amendments to the draftsmentioned above, submitted to the Conference by interested Governments andOrganizations.
