2023-11-24An instructor in chemical warfare asked soldiers in his class: "Anyone knows the formula for water?""Sure. That's easy," said ...
2023-11-24Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant."I was in that new restaurant across the st...
2023-11-24A history teacher and his wife were sitting at a table, the wife asked Anything new at work”, and he replied", no, I am teaching History&qu...
英语囧笑话:嫉妒心超强的妻子 Jealous
2023-11-24There was once a wife so jealous that when her husband came home one night and she couldn't find hairs on his jackets she yelled at him, "Gre...
英语笑话:上帝不聋但奶奶聋 Be Deaf
2023-11-24Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents'. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the youn...
2023-11-24A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away.Turning to her...
英语笑话:I Lost 我输了
2023-11-24It was at a five o’clock tea. A young man came to the hostess to apologize for his lateness. So good of you to come, Mr.Jones,and where is your ...
2023-11-24A woman was trying hard to get theketchup to come out of the bottle. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to ans...
2023-11-24He is really somebody (他真是一个大人物 )-- My uncle has 1000 men under him. -- He is really somebody. What does he do? -- A maintenance man in a cemetery....
2023-11-24Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars...