
  • Hippo Sandwich


    If you're feeling rather hungryand you really need to eat,you should try a hippo sandwich;it's a satisfying treat.To prepare a hippo sandwichw...

  • The dentist pulled my tooth outand he thought it was such funhe grabbed his pliersand dental pryersand pulled another one."Yippee! Hooray! What a...

  • My car is constructed of pickles.It's wonderfully crunchy and sweet.If ever I'm hungry while drivingI pull off a pickle to eat.The engine is m...

  • There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.With so many children, the place was a zoo.The windows were broken, the roof was a leaker.But that's wh...

  • Mary had a little lambwhose fleece was worth some money.Now Mary's filthy richbut her bald lamb looks kind of funny....

  • I like to pretend to be like myself.It's harder than you would suppose.I frequently say things that I would say.I often will wear my own clothes.I...

  • Sharpen, sharpen, sharpen.I crank the handle fast.Sharpen, sharpen, sharpen.Until it's sharp at last.Scribble, scribble, scribble.Hey wait! It sti...

  • My parents are making me crazy.They're driving me utterly mad.I'm mental because of my mother.I'm losing it thanks to my dad.My mom tells ...

  • A fish in a spaceship is flying through school.A dinosaur's dancing on top of a stool.The library's loaded with orange baboons,in purple tuxed...

  • I taught my cat to clean my room,to use a bucket, brush and broom,to dust my books and picture frames,and pick up all my toys and games.He puts my pan...

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